Tekst pesme Pustinja I Sve češće mi se događa da oko sebe zapažam obilje nečeg polovičnog čemu se odaje počast. Možda prenaglo rastem. A možda prenaglo raste ovaj svet oko mene i gubi osećanje pravednosti i obraza. Recimo: vidim početak. Svi okolo se dive. A meni nešto zasmeta. Osećam, treba drukčije. Izbrišem sve rukavom i sve ponovo započnem. II Ili mi kažu: ovako izgleda savršenstvo. A ja vidim: ne izgleda. Još deda mi je govorio: « Treba pustiti svakoga da radi kako radi. Ako je sobom ushićen, nemoj to da mu kvariš. A ja tako ne mogu. Prislonim uho na tle i učim sebe slušanju. Mnogima je to vredelo. Zasučem onda rukave. Izgubim dane i noći. Niti me neko moli. Niti me neko tera. Niti mi kažu hvala. III Prosto mi neprijatno kad vidim na nekoj slici nešto nedoslikano, a ne smem to da priznam ni drugima ni sebi, da ne ispadnem priglup. Za mene nauka nije nešto već naučeno, nego mučenje učenja mimo gotovih znanja. Kad se nagnem nad potok, znam da to nije pena, već njegov uspaničen pokušaj da me na nešto upozori. Sve češće imam potrebu da menjam redosled zbivanja. Da desno premeštam levo. IV Krišom već usavršavam neka od tih umeća. Mahnem, na primer, rukom i – preda mnom je more. Vidim da nije dobro. Onda izgužvam more, malo osušim, izmesim i ispečem na suncu. Držim u ruci oblutak kao beonjaču sunca. Držim pšenično zrno: zub-mlečnjak Mlečnog puta. Onda se dižem u vazduh i lepršam nad prostorom. Presvlačim krljušt vetra. V Mnogo je tokova potrebno da se komadić kamena otkotrlja u more i sa njega se operu sve neravnine vremena, da bi se, zaobljeno, u žilicama vulkana shvatila misao, zgranuta što ni do danas nismo saznali obične stvari iz uspomena pra-munja, pra-okeana, pra-vazduha, i razgovora virusa, reptila ili paprati. Ko misli glavom, taj ne misli, ako ne ide na rukama. Nije uzalud kazano: misli se uvek odozdo. Držim list bele breze kao sluzokožu leta. Držim kap vode na dlanu kao molekul najdubljeg.
English Translation
The Desert I More and more often I find myself noticing, around me, an abundance of something mediocre that’s being praised. Maybe I’m growing too suddenly. Though maybe this world around me is growing too suddenly and losing the sense of righteous and honour. Let’s say – I see the beginning. Everyone around me is admiring. But something starts to bother me. I feel it should be different. I wipe it all away with my sleeve and start all over again. II Or they tell me – this is what perfection looks like. But I see – doesn’t look like it. Even my grandfather used to tell me: “Everyone should be allowed to do as they do. And those who are thrilled with themselves, don’t spoil it for them. But I can’t be like that. I lean my ear upon the ground and teach myself to listen. It worked for many. I roll up my sleeves. I waste days and nights. Neither is anyone asking me. Nor is anyone making me. Nor do they thank me. III I simply get embarrassed when I see, in a picture, something unpainted, but I don’t dare to admit it neither to others nor to myself, so that I wouldn’t look rather stupid. For me, science is not something already learned, but a torture of learning beyond ready-made knowledge. When I lean over a brook, I know it’s not foam, but its panic attempt to warn me about something. More and more often I feel the need to change the sequence of events. To move the right to the left. IV Secretly, I’m already perfectioning some of the skills. I wave, for example, my hand – and there’s the sea before me. I see that it’s not right. Then I wrinkle the sea, dry it up a bit, knead it and roast it in the sun. Then I rise up in the air and flutter over the space. I change the wind’s scales. V It takes many streams to roll a small piece of rock into the sea and to wash away all the traces of rough times, in order to, rounded off, in a volcano’s tiny sinews, comprehend the thought, astonished by the fact that until this very day we haven’t learned about the plain things from the memories of ancient lightning, ancient oceans, ancient air, and conversations between viruses, reptiles and fern. He who thinks with his head, doesn’t think, unless if he’s walking on his hands. It’s not said for nothing: always get to the bottom of things*. I’m holding a white birch leaf like mucous membrane of the summer. I’m holding a drop of water in my palm like a molecule of the deepest. |
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