Dino Merlin – Undo

Da li je sretna
Kad tako sigurnim korakom
Prelazi ulicu kao da je njena
I kako živi
U ovo vrijeme opako
Vrijeme eksponencijalnog prezasićenja

Crv u jabuci sam
Otkad za sebe znam

Da li je sama
U njenom oku se ne vidi to
Ili se pravi
Da joj je sve u životu normalno
Da li je čeka neko ko je voli stvarno
Il’ je i kod nje, kao i kod mene sve virtualno

Strijela treba krivi luk
Da pogodi pravi zvuk

Ima li «undo»
Za nju
Ima li «undo»
Za nju

Naša djeca rastu milimetar po milimetar
Vjetar nosi čežnju daleko u noć
Daleko u noć

Ima li «undo»
Za nju
Ima li «undo»
Za nju

Album_Dino Merlin - Hotel Nacional

English Translation


Is she happy
Seeing that she’s crossing the street
So confidently as if she owns it
And what’s her life like
In these wicked times
The time of exponential oversaturation

I’ve been an apple worm
Ever since I can remember

Is she alone
In her eyes, you can’t see it
Or is she pretending
That everything in her life is normal
Is there someone who truly loves her waiting for her
Or is everything around her, like around me, virtual

Arrow needs bended bow
To hit the right note

Is there «undo»
For her
Is there «undo»
For her

Our children are growing millimetre by millimetre
The wind is taking desire faraway into the night
Faraway into the night

Is there «undo»
For her
Is there «undo»
For her

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