Ishtar – O Julissi Na Jalini

O Julissi Na Jalini

Belgium 2008 Eurovision Song


O julissi na jalini
O julissi na ditini
O bulo diti non slukati
Sestrone dina katsu

O julissi na ti buku
O julissi na katinu
Dvoranu mojani bidna
Marusi naja otcha tu

(Pokoli sestro moja kona) Moja kona
(Pokoli meni dita boja) Dita boja
(Jalina pitsu marusinja) Marusinja
(Kolosali) krokodili

O julissi na jalini
O julissi na ditini
O bulo diti non slukati
Sestrone dina katsu

O julissi na ti buku
O julissi na katinu
Dvoranu mojani bidna
Marusi naja otcha tu

(Pokoli sestro moja kona) Moja kona
(Pokoli meni dita boja) Dita boja
(Jalina pitsu marusinja) Marusinja
(Kolosali) krokodili

O julissi na jalini
O julissi na ditini
O bulo diti non slukati
Sestrone dina katsu

O julissi na slukati
O julissi na kotchali
Od nu je dvorian ne si bili
Precko sti budo najali

O julissi na ja
O julissi na jalini
O julissi na ditini
O bulo diti non slukati
Sestrone dina katsu

O julissi na jalini
O julissi na ditini
O bulo diti non slukati
Sestrone dina katsu

26 thoughts on “Ishtar – O Julissi Na Jalini

  1. Awww, I thought it was a cute song. Sounds like Flemish, but what do I know? 😛
    Cute songs don’t cut it anymore in the ESC. Too bad. I don’t really like the overly pop styled ones. It’s as though they’re trying to copy the USA too much, which is never a good idea. I prefer it a lot more when countries add a bit of their traditional folk sound into their songs (E.g. Israel’s “The Fire in Your Eyes”).

  2. hmmm probably…if i start to gather around everything that we say that not belongs to ESC, we probably gonna be left without Eurovision at all xD

  3. I suppose they thought that they could get the same success with a song in a made-up language this time as they did back in 2003 with this song

    but that song is at least much better than this one, though I don’t really feel constructed languages belong here at the Eurovision….they belong more in fantasy stuff like Lord of the Rings 😛 Namárië….

    But oh well I don’t mind it too much I suppose if the song still is good and especially if the language sounds good….though I don’t know if it’s for Eurovision.

  4. It didn’t matter WHO we send, Belgium would NEVER have got any chance to those east-european countries… and that is NOT because we don’t send any good songs… I thought Ishtar was the ONLY group that actually SANG and used real musicians (’cause we shouldn’t forget: it’s still a SONGcontest, but the last few years it’s more a bad comedy :-p) It’s not even a shame that they didn’t get into the finals, it’s a shame they DIDN’T…

  5. People who like this song should listen to some real music and notice the difference. Like Django Reinhardt

  6. Well I admit the song does have A melody! And it’s kind of stuck in my head but I want it out of there because it is quite ridiculous!

  7. the best song in the years ESC! the only song with a MELODY!
    jonti, hall kaften din rasse

  8. Haha, don’t know what I think… Is this a great and funny song, or is it just horible? No, it’s GOOD 😀 My dad voted for this song last thirsday xD Hehe.. greatings form Norway<33

  9. We are having a blast with this song. YES IT SUCKS, but try singing it in so called opera voice and sing along to the song. it is SO funny. Kolosali krokodili? seriously, who made the words? And can someone PLEASE teatch this woman to sing!

  10. This song is really horrible -_-
    we should have send sandrine, maybe then we would have had a chance…
    but ok we are still not as bad as ireland…a turkey wtf were they thinking XD

  11. Greetings from Croatia! I have my new favourite band!! Thank you very much!! I found the meaning of my miserable life. O julissi that iiizzzzzzzz!! I laughed my ass out…I’m assless now lmao …o julissi na jaliniiii (everybody sing alooong)

  12. I didn’t like this song either. Belgium just wanted to make one feature twice. But this artifical language was much worst than about 3-4 years ago.

  13. O_O
    I don’t really agree with you there lol Mitsoulas-
    I’m relieved it didn’t make it through 😛

  14. Thank God we Belgians finally understand that
    it’s no good anymore to send a good quality song to eurosong.

    the crappier the song, the bigger the chances are of qualifying for the final :)))

    And it sounds a bit Eastern-european. Never forget, you need to kiss some serious Eastern- european butt, to get some points nowadays. :p

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