Maki, Maki, gde si, Maki
godinama nema te u starom kraju
Maki, Maki, još si lepa
svi te pamte, Maki, svi za tebe znaju
O, kad se setim onog dana
kada krenula sam sama,
u novi život da sreću potražim
Baš surova je stvarnost bila,
a ja ptičica bez krila
Mogla sam lako i put da promašim
Sad gledam ova kola, ovaj sat
Na mojoj ruci pravi dijamant,
i shvatam da mi ništa ne znače
Ma, s vama mi je bilo najjače
Još sam ona stara.
Sve što imam, sve bih dala,
da se vrate lude noći, lude godine
Izlasci do jutra
Niko ne misli na sutra
Svako veće bilo nam je kao poslednje
Još sam ona stara
O, kad se setim onog dana
kada krenula sam sama,
u novi život da sreću potražim
Nimalo lako nije bilo
to što mi je srce snilo
Bez igde ikog, da mlada ostvarim
English Translation
I’m Still The Old Me
Maki, Maki, where are you, Maki
for years you’ve been gone from the old country
Maki, Maki, you are still beautiful
everyone remembers you, Maki, everyone knows about you
When, I remember of that day
when I was on my own,
in the new life to find happiness
It was just as brutal as before,
and I am a bird without a wings
I could have easily missed my path
Now I am looking at this car, this watch
On my hand is the real diamond,
and I understand that it doesn’t mean anything to met
Soever, with you I had the most fun
I am still the old me.
Everything I have, I would give it away,
so that the crazy nights would come back, crazy years
Get out till morning
Nobody thinks about tomorrow
Every night looked like it was the last night
I am still the old me
When, I remember of that day
when I was on my own,
in the new life to find happiness
It wasn’t even a bit easy
what my heart was dreaming about
Without anyone anywhere, to accomplish as young
Yeah probably lol XD
You know, I think you’ve just experienced what we feel when translating e.g. American slang.. and/or songs like Eminem’s. It gets messy! 😀
oh I see. Now the sentences makes more sense XD lol thank you
E maki sine, kad sam videla Maki Maki… nisam dalje ni gledala 😆
O, kad se setim onog dana – Oh, when I remember the day
kada krenula sam sama, – When I set off on my own
Baš surova je stvarnost bila, – Brutal was the reality (or less literal – Reality hit me)
a ja ptičica bez krila – I was a bird…
Baš surova je stvarnost bila – It was just as brutal as before
Hm, I’m not sure about this.