Slučajno il’ ne
ti si znao sve
gdje mi je tuga
što me raduje
lako si otkrio
svaku tajnu srca mog
Meni se činilo
da bolje ne može
da takvu ljubav
nikad prije
niko nije imao
al’ ne da Bog na svog
Tu, na mom ramenu si spavao
meni se na ljubav zakleo
pa me lagao neopisivo
Ja, tako glupa, slaba, naivna
kao luda sam te branila
sebe slomila neoprostivo
Slučajno il’ ne
promjenila sam se
sramim se sebe
što sam bila dok
sam tebe voljela
al’ sam to preboljela, da znaš
Neke ljubavi nikad
se ne prebole
netko pamti će sve
a netko plakat će
English Translation
Whether it was a coincidence or not
you knew everything
where is the sadness
that is to rejoice me
you’ve easily uncovered
my heart’s every secret
It seemed to me that
there can’t be something better out there
that no one has
ever before had
this kind of love
but God doesn’t allow it
You slept here, on my shoulder
you swore your love to me
but then lied to me, it’s indescribable
The idiotic, weak, and naïve girl that I was
defended you like crazy
and I broke myself, it’s unforgivable
Whether it was a coincidence or not
I changed myself
I’m ashamed of the
type of girl I was while
I loved you
but I got over that, just so that you know
Some never get over
their love
some will remember everything
and some will cry