Vlado Georgiev – Sve si mi ti

Toliko toga znamo ti i ja
Med u nocima
S tobom nikad ne razgovaram
Pricamo ocima
Necu ti kriti, sve znas
Previse zelim te ja

Sve si mi ti
Reci da si moja, reci mi
Samo da cujem iako vec znam
Ti, samo ti
Reci da si moja, reci mi
I bicu zauvijek s tobom ili sam

Za lude misli nemam vremena
Ti ih odvlacis
U mojoj sobi nema oblaka
Jer ti se uvlacis
Necu ti kriti, sve znas
Previse zelim te ja

Sve si mi ti
Reci da si moja, reci mi
Samo da cujem iako vec znam
Ti, samo ti
Reci da si moja ljubavi
I bicu zauvijek s tobom ili sam

Sve si mi ti
Reci da si moja, reci mi
Samo da cujem iako vec znam
Ti, samo ti
Reci da si moja ljubavi
I bicu zauvijek s tobom ili sam

Sve si mi ti
Reci da si moja ljubavi
Iako vec znam
Ti, samo ti
Reci da si moja ljubavi
Bicu zauvijek s tobom ili sam

English Translation

You Mean Everything To Me

You and me, we know so much
honey in the nights
With you, I never talk
We communicate with eyes
I wont hide from you, you know it all
I want you too much

You mean everything to me
Say that you’re mine, tell me
Just so that I can hear it, although I already know
You, only you
Say that you’re mine, tell me
and I’ll be forever with you or without you

For crazy thoughts I have no time
You take them away
There are no clouds in my room
because you sneak in
I wont hide from you, you know it all
I want you too much

You mean everything to me
Say that you’re mine, tell me
Just so that I can hear it, although I already know
You, only you
Say that you’re mine, tell me
and I’ll be forever with you or alone

You mean everything to me
Say that you’re mine, tell me
Just so that I can hear it, although I already know
You, only you
Say that you’re mine, my love
and I’ll be forever with you or alone

You mean everything to me
Say that you’re mine, my love
Although I already know
You, only you
Say that you’re mine, my love
I’ll be forever with you or alone

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