Tropico Band – Otisak

Veselo je društvo bilo,
pevalo, se igralo i pilo,
bila si na stolu, kad si iznenada pala mi u krilo,
k’o što na dušu pada smeh,
k’o da si moja oduvek,
k’o da mi se snilo…

Otišli su svi od stola,
a nas dvoje ostali smo sami,
rekla si mi idemo kod tebe da se igramo u tami,
i odmah tu na pragu mom,
sve se kontroli otelo,
u noći lepljivoj, vreloj nas dvoje telo uz telo…

Na mome vratu stoji trag,
usana tvojih otisak,
ime sa brojem telefona preko celog zida,
na mojoj koži miris tvoj,
pre nego okrenem ti broj,
kada bih barem mogao da se setim tvoga lika…

Album_Tropico Band - 2009

English Translation


The crowd was happy,
there was singing, dancing, and drinking,
you were at the table, when you, all of the sudden, fell onto my lap,
just like a laugh falls onto the soul,
like you are mine since forever,
like I was dreaming…

Everybody left the table,
and the both of us were left together alone,
you told me that we’re going to your house to play in the dark,
and immediately at my doorstep,
all the control was gone,
our two bodies were together, sticky and hot at night…

On my door lays a mark,
the mark of your lips,
your name with a phone number across my entire wall,
your scent is on my skin,
before I dial your number,
if I could’ve at least remembered your face…

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