Sanjiv je grad,ja sedim sam.
Radio svira staru stvar.
Slike prolaze…………
Ta pesma uvek budi sećanje,
davno bilo je ona i ja!
Vraćaju se noći
zaboravljene noći bez sna.
Njen okrećem broj,čujem joj glas,
kako da je pitam dal je kod nje
na njenom radiju ista muzika,
da li sama je noćas kao ja.
Al reći nestaju,suze jače su,
i vraćaju se noći,
zaboravljene noći bez sna.
Svi naši dani gube se i nestaju u snu
sad samo blede slike ostaju.
Jer noćas sanjiv je grad, ja sedim sam.
Radio svira staru stvar.
Slike prolaze…………
Ta pesma uvek budi sećanje,
davno bilo je ona i ja!
Vraćaju se noći
zaboravljene noći bez sna.
Ona i ja
Ona i ja
Ona i ja
Ona i ja
English Translation
Her and I
The city is sleepy, I’m sitting alone.
The radio is playing old music.
Pictures (memories) go by………..
That songs always awakes the memories,
her and I were together a long time ago!
They come back at night
the forgotten nights without sleep.
I dial her number, I hear her voice,
how do I ask her if over there, with her
her radio is playing the same music,
is she alone tonight, like me.
But the words disappear, the tears are stronger,
and they return at night,
the forgotten nights without sleep.
All of our days are getting lost and disappear in a dream.
one only faded pictures stay.
‘Cause the city is sleepy tonight, I’m sitting alone.
The radio is playing old music.
Pictures (memories) go by………..
That songs always awakes the memories,
her and I were together a long time ago!
They come back at night
the forgotten nights without sleep.
Her and I
Her and I
Her and I
Her and I
Hm… ok… “usually” 😆
I see. I asked my English teacher about the “she and I” and “her and I” because I was still kinda confused on how to use it. He said that you can say it both ways usually 🙂
I’ve found some discussions on the subject and this sounds quite valid:
I’m not sure. When I say out loud “she and I” it sounds incorrect but when I say “Her and I” it again sounds incorrect x_x It actually toke me a while to decide the title of this song. Maybe would “that girl and I” be better to use? What do you think?
Shouldn’t it be “she and I”?
It’s a cover of this song