Magányos csónak
Semmi ágán, egyedül némán
Lent a föld, fent az ég
Menni kéne, mozdulni végre
De visszatart valami még
Magányos csónak a tengeren
Túl fog élni ezer vihart
Mert egyre hívja a végtelen
Messze még a túlsó part
Hosszú az út, az éjen át
Talán a hold vezet tovább
Repít hozzád
Magányos csónak a tengeren
A szél sodorja, de megy tovább
Az út végén majd megpihen
Hívogat egy új világ
English Translation
Magányos csónak
English Translation
Lonely Boat
On the branch of nothingness, alone without words
Down there the ground, up there the sky
I should leave, make a move finally
But something still makes me stay
Lonely boat in the sea
It will survive a thousand storms
‘Cause the infinity keeps calling for it
But the other bank is still too far
The road is long through the night
Maybe the moon will lead me
Flying me to you
Lonely boat in the sea
The wind whirls round it, but it keeps on going
At the end of the road, it will get rest
But a new world keeps calling
This song will definately end up in my iPod! Love the language, love her voice, love the song. <3
Yes that’s true. She canceled her participation so Hungary had to choose another entry. Here:
Eurovision 2009 Hungary: Zoli Ádok – Tánclépés (Dance With Me)
I heard Kátya does not go for Eurovision this year.Adokzoli is the new winner.
Yes that one got removed as well but I’ve added another video : )
I checked up another video of this song though, and well yea another ballad, a decent ballad to me. Maybe she should have made some part “stick out” a bit more or something, if you know what I mean..but yea it”s a quite nice ballad.
I can’t see this video either. It’s saying that this is a private video clip or something like that lol