I opet mi duša sve o tebi sanja
I opet mi duša sve o tebi sanja,
I kida se srce i za tobom gine,
A nevjera tvoja daleko se sklanja,
Kao tamni oblak kad sa neba mine.
I opet si meni čista, sjajna, vedra,
Iz prizraka tvoga blaženstva me griju,
Pa bih opet tebi panuo na njedra
I gledô ti oči što se slatko smiju.
Tako vita jela koju munja zgodi
Još u nebo gleda i života čeka,
I ne misli: nebo da oblake vodi
Iz kojih ce nova zagrmiti jeka…
English Translation
And Again My Soul’s Dreaming All About You
And again my soul is dreaming all about you,
And my heart is bursting and longing for you,
And your infidelity is setting aside,
Like when a dark cloud disappears from the sky.
And again you’re pure to me, brilliant, serene,
The vision of you warms me with a bliss,
So I’d again throw myself into your bosom
And watch the sweet smile of your eyes.
The same way a slender fir, when struck by a lightning,
Still looks up to the sky waiting for more life,
And doesn’t think: the sky is carrying clouds
That will bring new thunders…
‘And again my soul is dreaming all about you’ is sweet love poem. I like it so much. I will translate it In Bengali.Not only this, Aleksa Šantić’s all poem I find in net. I think and all other will give me permission to publish them in my language, in Bangaldesh.
Thanks all
Plemenit komentar ali to je već stvar lične interpretacije.
Naročito oblak koji sa neba mine..
Srce na engleskom se ne “razbija” nego puca – break mada bi burst možda bilo bolje rešenje.
Plemenit pokusaj ali sa ogranicnim znanjem i recnikom engleskog…
Oblak koji mine ne ostavlja nebo samim (leave the sky alone),
vec wanes ili ebbs… srce koje se kida se ne razbija (break) vec bursts, snaps, tears, ruptures zavisi sta se odabere za gine… itd