Tekst pesme
Sve smo mogli mi
Sve smo mogli mi da je duži bio dan Da si našao za me malo vremena, Sve smo mogli mi, da si samo htio ti Biti nježan kao nekada.
Kako naći put koji vodi do tebe Kako naći mir kad je svega nestalo, Sve smo mogli mi, da si samo htio ti Biti nježan kao nekada.
Nikoga nema u praznom gradu Ulice moje korake kradu I ja kao sjena sad lutam, U tvome srcu padaju kiše I sve se naše polako briše Iz svijeta tvog.
Sve smo mogli mi da je duži bio dan Da si našao za me malo vremena, Sve smo mogli mi, da si samo htio ti Biti nježan kao nekada.
English Translation
We Could’ve Done It All
We could’ve done it all if the day had been longer If only you’d found a little time for me We could’ve done it all if only you’d wanted to be as gentle as you had been before
How to find a path that leads to you How to find peace when it’s all gone We could’ve done it all if only you’d wanted to be as gentle as you had been before
There’s nobody in the empty town the streets are stealing my footsteps and I, like a shadow, wander around, It’s raining in your heart and all that was ours is being slowly erased out of your world
We could’ve done it all if the day had been longer If only you’d found a little time for me We could’ve done it all if only you’d wanted to be as gentle as you had been before
truly amazing fantastic song