Ivica Šerfezi – Ruže su crvene

Još u prvom razredu
ja sam napisao
tebi u spomenar
sjećaš se?
na prvi list:

“Ruže su crvene,
tajne su skrivene,
slatka je muzika
al’ nije kao ti”

A onda sam pisao
po tvojim tekama
na svaku stranicu
u svaki kut:

“Ruže su crvene,
tajne su skrivene,
slatka je muzika
al’ nije kao ti”

A kada si otišla
u mojim pismima
opet si čitala po
stoti put:

Ivica Serfezi - Moj zivot moje pjesme

English Translation

Roses are Red

Since we were little kids
I wrote you something
in the scrapbook
do you remember it?
on the first page it says:

“The roses are red,
the secrets are hidden,
the music sounds sweet
but not as sweet as you”

And then I wrote
in your notebooks
on every single page
in every corner:

“The roses are red,
the secrets are hidden,
the music sounds sweet
but not as sweet as you”

And when you left,
you read the same
in my letters again and again
for the hundredth time:

2 thoughts on “Ivica Šerfezi – Ruže su crvene

  1. Welcome back Sarah! 🙂

    “Još u prvom razredu” znači tako davno (još dok smo bili mali..)

    “A onda sam pisao po tvojim tekama” (not teglama) – sveskama (notebooks) 🙂

    “A kada si otišla u mojim pismima opet si čitala po stoti put” – and when you left, you read the same, in my letters, again and again (for the hundredth time)

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