U vrtu belih jasmina
tebe sam usnila
stazama dugo lutala
da te nađem
Tiho, tiho pesmu ovu nosiće kroz noć
jedna zvezda
moj biser beli
ljubavi tvojoj noćas
vodiće je trag naše tajne
moj jasmine
Snovima plavog kašmira
tebe sam uvila
i plavo more molila da te nađe
Tiho, tiho pesmu moju nosiće kroz noć
jedna zvezda
biser beli
ljubavi tvojoj noćas
vodiće je trag naše tajne…
Vetar u daljini tvoj nosi glas
morima što hridi ljube šapuće za nas
English Translation
My Jasmine
I dreamt of you
in a garden of white jasmines
I wandered trails for a long time
to find you
Quietly, quietly one star will carry
my song through the night
my white pearl
of your love tonight
will be lead by the path of our secrets
my jasmine
I wrapped you in the
dreams of blue cashmere
and begged the blue sea to find you
Quietly, quietly one star will carry
my song through the night
my white pearl
of your love tonight
will be lead by the path of our secrets…
The wind from far away is carrying your voice
to the seas where cliffs kiss whispers to us
Kakav trol. Nemojte prevoditi google translate toolom, nema smisla.
U vrtu belih jasmina in a garden of white jasmine
tebe sam usnila i dreamt of you
stazama dugo lutala long wandered the paths
da te nađem to find you
Tiho, tiho pesmu ovu nosiće kroz noć quitely, quietly this song will be carried trough the night
jedna zvezda by a star
moj biser beli my white pearl
ljubavi tvojoj noćas to your love
vodiće je trag naše tajne a trail of our secret will lead it tonight
moj jasmine my jasmine
Snovima plavog kašmira in blue cashmere dreams
tebe sam uvila i wrapped you
i plavo more molila da te nađe and asked the blue sea to find you
Tiho, tiho pesmu moju nosiće kroz noć quietly, quietly my song will be carried through the night
jedna zvezda by a star
biser beli a white pearl
ljubavi tvojoj noćas to your love tonight
vodiće je trag naše tajne… a trail of your secret will lead it to
Vetar u daljini tvoj nosi glas the wind in the distance is carrying your voice
morima što hridi ljube šapuće za nas it is whispering to the seas that kiss the rocks for us
Pozdrav Ti,
Ovaj prevod nije rađen “google translate toolom” i nema potrebe za takvim komentarima.
Hvala na prevodu.
Ja sam ovu pesmu prevodila ali pre par godina. Da, priznajem da ima greška pošto nisam toliko znala srpski kao što ga znam danas. Ako primećuješ greške, lepo ih možeš tu napisati i ja ću pesmu ispraviti. Ali ako misliš da ovako nešto može googe translate da prevede, onda očigledno nisi nikad video šta je google translate.
Have a good day 🙂