I tebi sam isto rek’o
Da si ljepša no sve druge
I tebi sam isto rek’o
Sve sa smješkom, al’s puno tuge
I tebi sam isto rek’o
Nek ti lice srećom gori
Al’nijednoj nisam rek’o
Da mi s tugom smijeh se bori
Jer ja sam sanjar lutalica
Lutalica, lutalica
Pod ovim nebom luda ptica
Luda ptica, sanjar lutalica
Ne, nemoj reći da sam drugi
Nije važno to što nisam prvi
Jer ja sam sanjar, jer ja sam sanjar
Jer ja sam sanjar, ja sam sanjar lutalica
English Translation
A Dreamy Wanderer
I told you the same thing
That you’re the most beautiful of them all
I’ve also told you
Everything with a smile, but with many sorrows
I told you the same thing
May your face be filled with happiness
But never once have I said
That the smile is fighting us with sadness
Because I’m a dreamy wanderer
A wanderer, a wanderer
Beneath this sky a crazy bird
A crazy bird, a dreamy wanderer
No, don’t tell me I’m the other man
It doesn’t matter that I’m not the first
Because I’m a dreamer, because I’m a dreamer
Because I’m a dreamer, because I’m a dreamy wanderer
Mozda jednostavnije – “I’m a dreamer…dreamy wanderer” 🙂
“I tebi sam isto reko” – naglasak je na tome da to govori svima a ne da je to jos jedna stvar koju je rekao njoj.
Mozda “I told you the same (thing)”
Fixed 🙂