Genesis – Supper’s Ready

[Lovers’ Leap]

Walking across the sitting-room, I turn the television off.
Sitting beside you, I look into your eyes.
As the sound of motor cars fades in the night time,
I swear I saw your face change, it didn’t seem quite right.
…And it’s hello babe with your guardian eyes so blue
Hey my baby don’t you know our love is true.

Coming closer with our eyes, a distance falls around our bodies.
Out in the garden, the moon seems very bright,
Six saintly shrouded men move across the lawn slowly.
The seventh walks in front with a cross held high in hand.
…And it’s hey babe your supper’s waiting for you.
Hey my baby, don’t you know our love is true.

I’ve been so far from here,
Far from your warm arms.
It’s good to feel you again,
It’s been a long long time. Hasn’t it?

[The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man]

I know a farmer who looks after the farm.
With water clear, he cares for all his harvest.
I know a fireman who looks after the fire.

You, can’t you see he’s fooled you all.
Yes, he’s here again, can’t you see he’s fooled you all.
Share his peace,
Sign the lease.
He’s a supersonic scientist,
He’s the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man.
Look, look into my mouth he cries,
And all the children lost down many paths,
I bet my life you’ll walk inside
Hand in hand,
gland in gland
With a spoonful of miracle,
He’s the guaranteed eternal sanctuary.
We will rock you, rock you little snake,
We will keep you snug and warm.

[Ikhnaton And Itsacon And Their Band Of Merry Men]

Wearing feelings on our faces while our faces took a rest,
We walked across the fields to see the children of the West,
But we saw a host of dark skinned warriors
standing still below the ground,
Waiting for battle.

The fight’s begun, they’ve been released.
Killing foe for peace…bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang…
And they’re giving me a wonderful potion,
‘Cos I cannot contain my emotion.
And even though I’m feeling good,
Something tells me I’d better activate my prayer capsule.

Today’s a day to celebrate, the foe have met their fate.
The order for rejoicing and dancing has come from our warlord.

[How Dare I Be So Beautiful?]

Wandering through the chaos the battle has left,
We climb up a mountain of human flesh,
To a plateau of green grass, and green trees full of life.
A young figure sits still by a pool,
He’s been stamped “Human Bacon” by some butchery tool.
(He is you)
Social Security took care of this lad.
We watch in reverence, as Narcissus is turned to a flower.
A flower?

[Willow Farm]

If you go down to Willow Farm,
to look for butterflies, flutterbies, gutterflies
Open your eyes, it’s full of surprise, everyone lies,
like the fox on the rocks,
and the musical box.
Oh, there’s Mum & Dad, and good and bad,
and everyone’s happy to be here.

There’s Winston Churchill dressed in drag,
he used to be a British flag, plastic bag, what a drag.
The frog was a prince, the prince was a brick, the brick was an egg,
the egg was a bird.
(Fly away you sweet little thing, they’re hard on your tail)
Hadn’t you heard?
(They’re going to change you into a human being!)
Yes, we’re happy as fish and gorgeous as geese,
and wonderfully clean in the morning.

We’ve got everything, we’re growing everything,
We’ve got some in
We’ve got some out
We’ve got some wild things floating about
Everyone, we’re changing everyone,
you name them all,
We’ve had them here,
And the real stars are still to appear.


Feel your body melt;
Mum to mud to mad to dad
Dad diddley office, Dad diddley office,
You’re all full of ball.

Dad to dam to dum to mum
Mum diddley washing, Mum diddley washing,
You’re all full of ball.

Let me hear you lies, we’re living this up to the eyes.
Momma I want you now.

And as you listen to my voice
To look for hidden doors, tidy floors, more applause.
You’ve been here all the time,
Like it or not, like what you got,
You’re under the soil (the soil, the soil),
Yes, deep in the soil (the soil, the soil, the soil, the soil!).
So we’ll end with a whistle and end with a bang
and all of us fit in our places.

[Apocalypse In 9/8 (Co-Starring the delicious talents of Gabble Ratchet)]

With the guards of Magog, swarming around,
The Pied Piper takes his children underground.
Dragons coming out of the sea,
Shimmering silver head of wisdom looking at me.
He brings down the fire from the skies,
You can tell he’s doing well by the look in human eyes.
Better not compromise.
It won’t be easy.

666 is no longer alone,
He’s getting out the marrow in your back bone,
And the seven trumpets blowing sweet rock and roll,
Gonna blow right down inside your soul.
Pythagoras with the looking glass reflects the full moon,
In blood, he’s writing the lyrics of a brand new tune.

And it’s hey babe, with your guardian eyes so blue,
Hey my baby, don’t you know our love is true,
I’ve been so far from here,
Far from your loving arms,
Now I’m back again, and babe it’s gonna work out fine.

[As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men’s Feet)]

Can’t you feel our souls ignite
Shedding ever changing colours, in the darkness of the fading night,
Like the river joins the ocean, as the germ in a seed grows
We have finally been freed to get back home.

There’s an angel standing in the sun, and he’s crying with a loud voice,
“This is the supper of the mighty one”,
Lord of Lords,
King of Kings,
Has returned to lead his children home,
To take them to the new Jerusalem.

Album_Genesis - Foxtrot

Prevod pesme

Večera je spremna

[Slepa ljubav]

Šetajući se po dnevnoj sobi, isključim TV.
Sedeći kraj tebe, u oči pogledam te.
Kako je zvuk motornih vozila nestajao u noći,
Kunem se da sam video kako ti se lice preobrazilo, tu je bilo nešto čudno.
… I to je ono – alo dušo, sa tako plavim očima čuvara
Hej dušo moja, zar ne znaš da je naša ljubav prava.

Kako nam se pogledi približavaju, neka razdaljina se na naša tela obrušava
Napolju, u bašti, čini se da je jaka mesečina,
Šest svetački pokrivenih muškaraca lagano se kreće preko travnjaka.
Sedmi ide ispred njih visoko držeći krst.
… I to je ono – hej dušo, večera te čeka.
Hej dušo moja, zar ne znaš da je naša ljubav prava.

Bio sam tako daleko odavde,
Daleko od tvog toplog naručja.
Divno je ponovo te dodirnuti,
Mnogo je vremena prošlo. Zar ne?

[Garantovano večno utočište]

Znam jednog farmera koji se o farmi stara.
Čistom vodom on svoje useve čuva.
Znam jednog vatrogasca koji se o vatri stara.

Vi, zar ne vidite da vas je sve prevario.
Da, on je opet tu, zar ne vidite da vas je sve obmanuo.
Osetite njegov mir,
Potpišite zakup.
On je supersonični naučnik,
On je garant večnog utočišta.
Pogledaj, pogledaj mi u usta, on kuka,
I sva ta deca na mnogim stazama usput izgubljena,
Kladim se u život, ušetaćete unutra
Ruka u ruci
žlezda u žlezdi
sa punom kašikom čuda,
On je garantovano večno utočište.
Mi ćemo te ljuljuškati, ljuljuškati, zmijice jedna,
Mi ćemo te ušuškati i utopliti.

[Akhenaton i Itsakon i njihov veseli bend]

Noseći emocije na licima dok su naša lica odmarala,
Prešli smo preko polja da vidimo decu Zapada,
Ali ugledali smo vojsku tamnoputih ratnika
kako pod zemljom mirno stoji,
bitku čekajući.

Borba je počela, oni su pušteni.
Ubijaju protivnika zarad mira… beng, beng, beng. Beng, beng, beng…
I daju mi predivan napitak,
jer ja ne umem da obuzdam emocije.
I, iako se dobro osećam,
Nešto mi govori da bi mi bolje bilo da aktiviram svoju molitvenu kapsulu.

Danas je dan za veselje, neprijatelji su se susreli sa sudbinom.
Naredba za radovanje i plesanje stigla je od našeg ratnog diktatora.

[Kako se usuđujem da budem tako lep?]

Tumarajući haosom koji je bitka napravila,
Penjemo se uz planinu ljudskog mesa,
Do visoravni zelene trave i zelenih drva punih života.
Neka mlada osoba mirno sedi kraj bazena,
Žigosana je sa “ljudska slanina” nekim mesarskim alatom.
(On je ti)
Socijalna zaštita se za njega pobrinula.
S poštovanjem posmatramo kako se Narcis pretvara u cvet.

[Farma vrba]

Ako budete išli dole do Farme vrba,
da tražite leptire, leptiriće, šareniće,
Držite oči širom otvorene, ona je puna iznenađenja, svi lažu,
kao psi, bez pardona,
i muzička kutija.
Oh, evo mame i tate i u dobru i u zlu,
i svi su srećni što su tu.

Tu je Vinston Čerčil obučen kao transvestit,
On je nekad bio britanska zastava, plastična vreća, kakvo smaranje.
Žabac je bio princ, princ je bio cigla, cigla je bila jaje,
jaje je bila ptica.
(Leti leti, slatko malo, težak je to teret za tebe)
Zar nisi čuo?
(Transformisaće te u ljudsko biće!)
Da, mi smo srećni kao riba i sjajni kao guske,
i predivno čisti ujutro.

Imamo sve, uzgajamo sve,
Nešto dobijemo
Nešto izgubimo
Neke lude stvari pokrećemo
Svakog, mi menjamo svakog,
samo reci koga,
svi su bili kod nas,
A prave zvezde tek dolaze.


Oseti kako ti se telo topi;
Mama u mulj do ludila do tate
Tata, pišljiva kancelarija, tata, pišljiva kancelarija,
Svi ste vi zabavni do ludila

Tata mami, ti dam ti dam
Mama pišljivo ribanje, mama pišljivo ribanje,
Svi ste vi zabavni do ludila.

Da čujem vaše laži, u ovome smo do grla.
Mama sad te želim ja.

I dok slušaš moj glas
tražeći skrivena vrata, čiste podove, još aplauza.
Sve vreme si bio tu,
Sviđalo ti se to ili ne, to ti je što ti je,
Ti si pod zemljom (zemljom, zemljom),
Da, duboko u zemlji (zemlji, zemlji, zemlji, zemlji!).
Tako da ćemo završiti uz zvižduk i otići uz prasak
i svi ćemo se uklopiti na svoje mesto.

[Apokalipsa u 9/8 (U glavnim ulogama sjajni talenti Gabble Ratchet)]

Dok se čuvari Magoga motaju uokolo,
Čarobni frulaš odvodi svoju decu u podzemlje.
Zmajevi iz mora izlaze,
Svetlucava me srebrna glava mudrosti posmatra.
Spušta vatru sa nebesa,
Očigledno je da joj dobro ide, po pogledu u učima ljudi.
Bolje ne pitaj ništa.
Neće biti lako

666 više nije sam,
Izvlači vam kičmenu moždinu,
A sedam truba svira slatki rokenrol,
Zatrubiće vam pravo u dušu.
Pitagora, ogledalom odražava pun mesec,
Krvlju piše tekst jedne sasvim nove melodije.

I to ide hej dušo, sa tvojim očima čuvara, tako plavim,
Hej dušo moja, zar ne znaš da je naša ljubav prava,
Bio sam tako daleko odavde,
Daleko od tvog naručja dragog,
Sad se vraćam ponovo, i dušo, biće sve u redu.

[Izvesno kao smrt (Stopala bolesnika)]

Zar ne osetite kako se naše duše pale
Skidajući beskrajno promenljive boje, u mraku odlazeće noći,
Kao što se reka okeanu pridružuje, kao što klica raste iz semena
Konačno smo oslobođeni da bi se kući vratili.

Jedan anđeo stoji na suncu, i uzvikuje,
“Ovo je večera za Moćnoga”,
Gospodar gospodara,
Kralj kraljeva,
se vratio da bi svoju decu kući poveo,
Da bi ih u novi Jerusalim odveo.

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