Nirvana – Polly

Polly wants a cracker. Think I should get off her first.
I think she wants some water. To put out the blow torch. It isn’t me.

(Chorus) We have some seed. Let me clip your dirty wings.
Let me take ride. Don’t hurt yourself. I want some help.
To help myself. I’ve got some rope. You have been told.
I promise you. I have been true. Let me take a ride.
Don’t hurt yourself. I want some help. To help myself.

Polly wants a cracker. Maybe she would like more food.
She asks me to untie her. A chase would be nice for a few.


Polly says her back hurts. And she’s just as bored as me.
She caugh me off my guard. It amazes me, the will of instinct.


Prevod na srpski


Poli hoće kreker. Valjda treba prvo ja da siđem s nje.
Mislim da želi vode. Da ugasi aparat za zavarivanje. Nisam ja.

(Refren) Mi imamo nešto semena. Daj da otfikarim tvoja prljava krila.
Daj da se provozam. Nemoj se povrediti. Treba mi malo pomoći.
Da pomognem sebi. Imam neko uže. Rečeno ti je.
Obećavam ti. Bio sam iskren. Daj da se provozam.
Nemoj se povrediti. Treba mi malo pomoći. Da pomognem sebi.

Poli želi kreker. Možda bi želela još hrane.
Traži da je odvežem. Nekima bi prijala potera.


Poli kaže da je bole leđa. I dosadno joj je baš kao i meni.
Uhvatila me nespremnog. Zadivljuje me, taj nagon za samoodržanjem.


po zahtevu

3 thoughts on “Nirvana – Polly

  1. Let me clip your dirty wings – Daj da odsjecem tvoja prljava krila.
    Polly wants a cracker – bukvalno znaci Poli zeli kreker

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