Ola Podrida – Run Off The Road


Run Off The Road

When you finally scaled the wall
Thinking you had heard the siren singing
What you really heard was a broken bird
Making out like it’s a dove
When you stole the soldier’s car
Everybody knew what you were thinking
Ivory towers and lover’s flowers
But no one thought you were a fool
You never stopped to notice all
The stolen clothes stacked in the hall
From the others who scaled the wall just to
Find themselves run off the road

When you showed up at the farm
Visions of the summer flying past you
The foxes had torn up
The mother and her pups
And the well was full of flies
When you walked down to the pond
Searching for the lover guiding you
It had been filled in with rusty nails and then
You finally knew that you were lost

Prevod na srpski

Sleteti s puta

Kad si se konačno popela uz zid
Misleći da si čula pesmu sirene
Ono što si zapravo čula bila je ptica slomljenih krila
Koja se pravila da je golubica
Kada si ukrala vojnikova kola
Svi su znali šta si mislila
Kule od slonovače i cveće ljubavnika
Ali niko nije pomislio da si luda
Nikad nisi zastala da primetiš svu
Ukradenu odeću naslaganu u hodniku
Od drugih koji su se uz taj zid popeli 
Samo da bi s puta sleteli

Kad si se pojavila na farmi
Vizije leta kroz glavu ti proletele
Lisice su raskomadale
Majku i njene kučiće
A bunar je bio pun muva
Kada si odšetala do jezerca
Tražeći ljubavnika kojeg si pratila
Bilo je puno zarđalih eksera i tada
Konačno si shvatila da si izgubljena

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