Slayer – Angel Of Death


Angel Of Death

Auschwitz, the meaning of pain
The way that I want you to die
Slow death, immense decay
Showers that cleanse you of your life
Forced in
Like cattle
You run
Stripped of
Your life’s worth
Human mice, for the Angel of Death
Four hundred thousand more to die
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Sadistic, surgeon of demise
Sadist of the noblest blood

Destroying, without mercy
To benefit the Aryan race

Surgery, with no anesthesia
Feel the knife pierce you intensely
Inferior, no use to mankind
Strapped down screaming out to die
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher,
Angel of Death

Pumped with fluid, inside your brain
Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes
Burning flesh, drips away
Test of heat burns your skin, your mind starts to boil
Frigid cold, cracks your limbs
How long can you last
In this frozen water burial?
Sewn together, joining heads
Just a matter of time
‘Til you rip yourselves apart
Millions laid out in their
Crowded tombs
Sickening ways to achieve
The holocaust
Seas of blood, bury life
Smell your death as it burns
Deep inside of you
Abacinate, eyes that bleed
Praying for the end of
Your wide awake nightmare
Wings of pain, reach out for you
His face of death staring down,
Your blood running cold
Injecting cells, dying eyes
Feeding on the screams of
The mutants he’s creating
Pathetic harmless victims
Left to die
Rancid Angel of Death
Flying free

Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher,
Angel of Death

Angel of Death

Prevod na srpski

Anđeo smrti

Aušvic, definicija bola
Način na koji želim da umreš
Lagana smrt, neizmerni raspad
Tuševi koji s tebe život spiraju
Kao stoka
Svog života
Ljudski miševi, za anđela smrti
Još četiristo hiljada će umreti
Anđeo smrti
Monarh kraljevstva mrtvih
Sadistički hirurg smrti
Sadista najplemenitije krvi

Uništava bez milosti
U korist arijevske rase

Operacija, bez anestezije
Osećaš nož kako žestoko prodire u tebe
Inferioran, čovečanstvu beskoristan
Privezan vrišteći da umreš
Anđeo smrti
Monarh kraljevstva mrtvih
Neslavni kasapin,
Anđeo smrti

Napumpan tečnošću, u mozgu
Pritisak u lobanji počinje da ti šišti kroz oči
Spaljena tela, otiču
Test toplote kožu ti žeže, mozak ti proključava
Ledena hladnoća, krcka ti udove
Koliko možeš izdržati
Na ovom ledeno-vodenom pogrebu
Prišivene jedna za drugu, spojene glave
Samo je pitanje vremena
Kada ćete se pokidati
Milioni položeni u svoje
Masovne grobnice
Gnusni načini postizanja
Mora krvi, sahranjuju život
Osetiš miris svoje smrti dok gori
Duboko u tebi
Oslepljene usijanim metalom, oči krvare
Moliš se da dođe kraj
Tvojoj noćnoj mori u budnom stanju
Krila bola za tobom posežu
Njegovo lice smrti tera te da oboriš oči
Krv ti hladna struji
Ubrizgava ćelije, boji oči
Hrani se vriskom
Mutanata koje pravi
Patetičnih bezopasnih žrtava
Ostavljenih da umru
Užegli anđeo smrti
Slobodno leti

Anđeo smrti
Monarh kraljevstva mrtvih
Neslavni kasapin,
Anđeo smrti

Anđeo smrti

Album_Slayer - Reign in Blood
Album_Slayer – Reign in Blood

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