Galija – Promenilo se sve

Tekst pesme

Promenilo se sve

Promenilo se sve, a neke najlepše
su lepše nego pre,
Promenilo se sve a kiše prestale,
zime nestale.
Da dođem do tebe sada teško je,
promenilo se sve, do tvoje ulice.

Ne niko nije kriv, što pesme koje znaš,
ja više ne volim.
Odnekud daleko, sad stižu najbolje,
meni najdraže.

Da dodjem do tebe, sada teško je,
promenilo se sve, do tvoje ulice.

Ova noć strašno liči na tebe,
ti imas moć, menjaš stare granice.
Promenila si sve a mene najviše.

Da dođem do tebe sad teško je…
Ova noć tako liči na tebe…
Promenila si sve, a mene najviše.

Ova noć strašno liči na tebe…
Začarala si sve a mene najviše.

English Translation

Everything Has Changed

Everything has changed, and some of the beauties
are prettier than before,
Everything has changed, the rains have stopped,
winters are gone.
Now it’s hard for me to reach you,
everything has changed, down to your street.

No, there’s nobody to blame that the songs you  know
I no longer like.
From somewhere afar, now the best ones arrive,
my favourite ones.

Now it’s hard for me to reach you,
everything has changed, down to your street.

This night looks terribly like you,
you have the power, you’re changing the old borders.
You’ve changed everything but me the most.

Now it’s hard for me to reach you…
This night looks terribly like you…
You’ve changed everything but me the most.

This night looks terribly like you…
You’ve put a spell on everybody, but the strongest one on me.

Album_Galija - Dobro jutro, to sam ja
Album_Galija – Dobro jutro, to sam ja

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