Eurovision 2009 Croatia: Igor Cukrov – Lijepa Tena

Lyrics and Video:

Bio sam oblak, lebdio,
i sunca nisam vidio
tebe čekao

Bog te je meni poslao
od srca otkinuo svog, da bi živio
I čekao da ti meni daš čudo ljubavi

Hej draga, hej draga
Suze u pamuk pretvaraš
Umorne oči odmaraš,

Hej lijepa, hej sveta
Vodu u vino pretvaraš
Ti se moliš za sve nas, za sve nas

Tena, Tena…

Bio sam oblak, lebdio,
i sunca nisam vidio

Hej draga, hej draga
Suze u pamuk pretvaraš
Umorne oči odmaraš,
da li znaš?

Hej lijepa, hej sveta
Vodu u vino pretvaraš
Ti se moliš za sve nas, za sve nas



Tena, Tena, Tena

English Translation
Beautiful Tena

I was a cloud, floated,
and haven’t seen the sun
was waiting for you

God has sent you to me
detached you from his heart, so that he could live
and waited for you to give me the miracle of love

Hey darling, hey darling
You’re turning tears into cotton
You’re a sight for sore eyes,
you enchant

Hey beauty, hey holy
You’re turning water into wine
You’re praying for all of us, for all of us

Tena, Tena…

I was a cloud, floated,
and haven’t seen the sun

Hey darling, hey darling
You’re turning tears into cotton
You’re a sight for sore eyes,
Do you know?

Hey beauty, hey holy
You’re turning water into wine
You’re praying for all of us, for all of us



Tena, Tena, Tena

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44 thoughts on “Eurovision 2009 Croatia: Igor Cukrov – Lijepa Tena

  1. and also there can be some musicians sitting on a bank, inside of the flowers 😀 But seperate from each other… And also the flowers of the cherry and plum trees can fall down because of the wind while Igor and Andrea singing… I think I found my job 😀

  2. but the videoclip is not that good… maybe it can be like this:
    in a beautiful place full of white flowers and trees that have white flowers like plum trees. or cherry trees… andrea susnjara’s dress is OK. can stay like this… and they are walking inside of the flowers. can be daisies… the wind is making andrea’s dress fly…
    It can be better like this I think 😀

  3. ahh better than fairytale… very very very good… soo romantic. I don2t have soo much to say… It’s brilliant…
    12 points to Croaita from Turkey!!!

  4. igore nisam ćula tvoju pjesmu ali se nadam da je pjesma dobra prvenstveno jer si ti dobar pjevać a i kompozitor odlićan
    samonaprijed sretno

  5. OK Bolje nego ono od Franke ili Femnnema. Al možda bi trebala Andrea malo više pjevat u ovoj pjesmi, neku dionicu otpjevat sama

  6. HRT has presented the official video clip for the Croatian Eurovision 2009 song:

    Igor Cukrov feat. Andrea Susnjara – Lijepa Tena

  7. Igor Cukrov and Andrea Susnjara recorded a Spanish version of their eurovision song “Lijepa Tena”

    španjolska verzija Hrvatska 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, Moscow, Russia

  8. oh ok I see..
    Well I wouldn’t call this very bad, it’s not that bad really..
    I will try to listen 😛

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