Pozajmiću ljubav
kad ostanem bez tebe
Kupovaću ljubav
od bilo koje žene
pretvaranje u mraku
Platiću laž
strašnu i jaku
Ali nikada
moje srce ispod oblaka
sunce ugledati neće
Nikada znam da nikada
moje srce ispod oblaka
sunce ugledati neće
U lažima
živjeću zauvjek
Udaviću ljubav
da ne mislim o tebi
Ubiću ljubav
i čovjeka u sebi
moje tijelo u mraku
imaće laž
strašnu i jaku
English Translation
I will borrow love
when I’m left without you
I will buy love
from any woman
I will pay
for pretending in the dark
I will pay for a lie
dreadful and strong
But never
will my heart, under the clouds,
see the sun
Never, I know that never will
my heart, under the clouds,
see the sun
I will forever
live a lie
I will smother love
to stop thinking about you
I will murder love
and the man inside me
They will have
my body in the dark
They will have a lie
dreadful and strong