TBF – Smak svita

Ma vidi vraga, baš kako su javili sinoć na vijestima,
Sunce je jutros izgubilo sjaj, stvarno, bliži nam se kraj…
Moram priznat, čudan osjećaj…

Jučer iznenada su se otvorila vrata,
nepoznate dimenzije, negdje pored Marsa,
Iz njih je izletia ogroman asteroid i sad juri prema zemlji,
Kažu, nema nam spasa…

Neki govore to smo prizvali sami ,
Neki tvrde to je Božja kazna,
Ja se pitam kol’ko astronomski mala je mogla bit ta šansa?
Al’ opet, dobro da je danas…
Na radni dan, a ja ću ostat doma uz hit dana ‘apokalipsa sa vašeg balkona’,
Rezolucija prefektna, kristalan sound, surround all around when it hits the ground.

A u Saboru jutros isti debilizam, čije stari bija Ustaša a čij Partizan,
A obzirom da je danas kataklizma, uputili su notu da nas priko reda prime u Europu,
A ja još uvik ne virujem 100 % u sve to,
Možda je neki reality show?
Neko pomicanje granica, iluzije i zbilje?
Neko medijsko izdrkavanje na temu iz Biblije?
Neko Orson Welles sranje, kao ona ‘Invazija s Marsa’?
Možda je sve izrežirana farsa?
Al’ di je tu baza?
Neko ima bolestan smisao za humor, nek dobije tumor .
Ako je stvarno istina, onda znam, iza svega su sigurno Masoni, Židovi, Bin Laden …
I baš me briga, ima savršenu kompilaciju za kraj, koju je složija Mladen…

Uberi ovo…
Vijest iz Londona, neki je tip na kladionici dobija masu milijona…
A 5 funti je stavija na smak svita, baš na današnji dan, čist zgoditak…
Al’ sigurno je pomislija ‘Oh ****! Imam samo jedan dan, za sve potrošit!’

Al’ čekaj, kako će mu uopće moć isplatiti išta,
Posli smaka svita neće radit ništa?
Ne znam…
Vatre će se pojaviti, oko 5 otprilike,
izvadiću bocu za posebne prilike,
lipo se cvrcnit, ubit najmanji strah,
iz praha smo nastali, postaćemo prah…

Razniće nas svugdi, neki vitar ludi, di god mu se svidi…
O nama će pričat ka i mi o Atlantidi
A možda i neće…
Ma jebo nas, nemamo sreće…

English Translation

The End Of The World

Well look at that, exactly like they said last night on the news
This morning the sun has lost its shine, really, the end is close…
I have to admit, a weird feeling…

They say…
Yesterday, suddenly a door opened,
to an unknown dimension, somewhere next to Mars,
through them a huge asteroid came out and now it’s racing down towards Earth
They say, nothing can save us…

Some say we’ve done it to ourselves,
Some say it’s God’s punishment,
I wonder how astronomically small could’ve been that chance?
But then again, it’s good that it’s today…
on a work day, and I will stay home with today’s hit ‘apocalypse from your balcony’
Perfect resolution, crystal sound, surround all around when it hits the ground.
And in Parliament this morning same imbecility, whose old man was ustasa and whose partisan,
And considering that today is cataclysm, they sent out a note to let us in Europe without waiting in line
And I still don’t believe 100% in all of it,
Maybe it’s some kind of reality show?
Some moving of boundaries, illusion and reality?
Some media torture on a Bible subject?
Some Orson Wells s**t, like ‘The Invasion From Mars’?
Maybe all of it is a directed farce?
But where is the base?
Someone has a sick sense of humour, someone gets a tumor.
If it’s really true, then I know, behind all of it are surely masons, the Jews, Bin Laden…
And I don’t care, it has a perfect compilation for the end, put together by Mladen…

Take this…
News from London, some guy won a mass of millions gambling…
And he’d put 5 pounds on the end of the world, on this day exactly, clean win…
But surely he thought ‘Oh ****! I have only one day to spend all of it!’

But wait, how will they be able to pay him anything,
After the end of the world, nothing will be open?
I don’t know…
Fires will appear, around 5 approximately,
I will take out a bottle for special occasions,
get nicely drunk, kill the smallest fear,
dust to dust…

A crazy wind will spread us everywhere, wherever it pleases…
They will mention us like we mention Atlantida
But maybe they wont…
Well f***k us, we have no luck…
Nothing can save us

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