Evo caru carevo,
Evo Bogu – božije.
Evo srcu njegovo
Nikome je ne dugujem.
Šta će meni mrvice,
Crno-bijele sličice,
Šta će meni kad ja nemam
Kraj sebe moje jedine?
Reci srećo šta ću ja
Sam na ovoj planeti
Kad ti nisam nikada
Bio ni na kraj pameti.
Igrao je jedan film
Koji mi nismo gledali,
Sanjao sam jedan san,
Koji skupa nismo sanjali.
Prolazile godine,
Drugi se voleli,
Prolazile pored nas,
Mi smo nekog čekali.
English Translation
Tell Me, My Dear
Here’s the Caesar to the Caesar,
Here’s the holiest to the God.
Here is his heart
I don’t owe it to anyone.
What do I need the pieces
To the black and white pictures for,
What do I need them for
When I don’t have my one and only beside me?
Tell me, my dear what will I do
Alone on this planet
When I was never
Even at the back of your mind
One film we never watched together
Was playing,
I dreamed a dream,
Which we didn’t dream together.
Years have gone by,
Others loved each other,
They passed by us,
We were waiting for somebody.