Indexi – Bacila je sve niz rijeku

Stajala je usred bašte
k’o najljepši cvijet
kao da je dio mašte
i muzike te

Slušala je pjesmu moju
posljednju što pjevam njoj
sad joj kažem: zbogom, draga
a bila je život moj

Prošla je kroz moje snove
i bila je tren
cijelim tijelom bila moja,
ja bio sam njen

Nosila je našu ljubav
našu sreću, prvi cvijet
bacila je sve niz rijeku
i pošla u drugi svijet

Ali noćas ako sluša
nek’ čuje bol
u pjesmi koju pjevam
njoj samo njoj

Zauvijek neka nosi
na srcu znak
život je jedan ona bacila

 Album_Indexi - Indexi

 English Translation

Down The River

She stood there amidst the flowers
As the prettiest one
She was a part of my dreams , my music
She was all mine

It was my song that she loved
The last one I sang to her
I say: my dear, farewell, now
but she was the life I lived

She passed through my dreams
She was a bliss
The whole of her body, she was all mine
My lips belonged to her lips

She kept our love inside
Our happiness – the initial rose
She threw it all down the river
To another world she’s now close

But tonight, if she can hear
Let her hear the pain
In the song that I sing
For my love in vain

A sign in her heart shall forever shiver
She threw one life down the river

Alternative Translation: Indexi – Bacila je sve niz rijeku

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