Tamo gde smo ti i ja tu ne važe pravila
i ne važe zakoni pisani o ljubavi
tamo se i bogovi dive jednoj ljubavi
kakvu do sad nikad još nisu videli
Svaki korak vodi nas u dubinu vremena
jer tamo gde si ti želim biti ja
i sve liči mi na san kao da smo jedno mi
jer sve me vodi tamo gde si ti
Dok se nismo spojili čitav život bio je
jedan dan pod maskama daleko od istine
sada znamo ti i ja gde ne važe pravila
i ne važe zakoni o ljubavi
English Translation
Over There Where You Are
Where you and I are the rules don’t apply
and laws written about love don’t apply
over there is where Gods admire one love
the kind they’ve never seen before
Every step takes us to the depth of time
because where you are is where I want to be too
and everything looks like a dream to me like we are one
because everything takes me to where you are
Before we got together the entire life was
one day under masks, far away from the truth
now we know where rules don’t apply
and love laws don’t apply