Castle On The Hill
When I was six years old I broke my leg
I was running from my brother and his friends
And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass as I rolled down
I was younger then,
Take me back to when…
I found my heart and broke it here
Made friends and lost them through the years
And I’ve not seen the roaring fields in so long,
I know I’ve grown
And I can’t wait to go home
I’m on my way
Driving at 90 down those country lanes
Singing to “Tiny Dancer”
And I miss the way
You make me feel,
And it’s real
We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
Fifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettes
Running from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friends
Had my first kiss on a Friday night,
I don’t reckon that I did it right
But I was younger then,
Take me back to when…
We found weekend jobs, when we got paid
We’d buy cheap spirits and drink them straight
Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long,
Oh, how we’ve grown
But I can’t wait to go home
I’m on my way
Driving at 90 down those country lanes
Singing to “Tiny Dancer”
And I miss the way
You make me feel,
And it’s real
We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
Over the castle on the hill
Over the castle on the hill
One friend left to sell clothes
One works down by the coast
One had two kids but lives alone
One’s brother overdosed
One’s already on his second wife
One’s just barely getting by
But these people raised me
And I can’t wait to go home
And I’m on my way,
I still remember these old country lanes
When we did not know the answers
And I miss the way
You make me feel,
It’s real
We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
Over the castle on the hill
Over the castle on the hill |
Prevod na srpski
Zamak na brdu
Kada sam imao šest godina, slomio sam nogu
Bežao sam od brata i njegovih drugova
I osećao sladak miris planinske trave dok sam se kotrljao
Bio sam mlađi tada
Vratite me u ono vreme kad sam
Pronašao srce i slomio ga ovde
Sticao prijatelje i s vremenom ih gubio
I baš dugo nisam video polja urlika
Znam, odrastao sam
I jedva čekam da se vratim kući
Vozim 90 na sat po tim seoskim putevima
Pevam uz “Malenu igračicu”
I nedostaju mi
Ona osećanja koja budiš u meni
I jesu prava
Gledali smo zalazak sunca iznad zamka na brdu
S petnaest godina pušio sam duvan
Bežao od policije kroz zadnja dvorišta i napijao se sa drugovima
Prvi put sam se poljubio u petak uveče
Mislim da se nisam dobro pokazao
Bio sam mlađi tada
Vratite me u ono vreme kad smo
Nalazili poslove za vikend i kada bi nas isplatili
Kupovali jeftinu cirku i sve ispijali do dna
Ja i moji drugovi baš dugo nismo povraćali
Ah, kako sam odrasli
Ali jedva čekam da se vratim kući
Vozim 90 na sat po tim seoskim putevima
Pevam uz “Malenu igračicu”
I nedostaju mi
Ona osećanja koja budiš u meni
I jesu prava
Gledali smo zalazak sunca iznad zamka na brdu
Iznad zamka na brdu
Iznad zamka na brdu
Jedan drugar je otišao da prodaje odeću
Drugi radi dole na obali
Treći ima dvoje dece, ali živi sam
Četvrtom se brat predozirao
Peti je našao drugu ženu
Šesti jedva sastavlja kraj s krajem
Ali oni su me odgajali
I jedva čekam da se vratim kući
I stižem
Još pamtim te stare seoske puteve
Kad nismo imali odgovore
I nedostaju mi
Ona osećanja koja budiš u meni
I jesu prava
Gledali smo zalazak sunca iznad zamka na brdu
Iznad zamka na brdu
Iznad zamka na brdu |