Baby, I’ve been waiting,
I’ve been waiting night and day.
I didn’t see the time,
I waited half my life away.
There were lots of invitations
And I know you sent me some,
But I was waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
I know you really loved me.
But, you see, my hands were tied.
I know it must have hurt you,
It must have hurt your pride
To have to stand beneath my window
With your bugle and your drum,
And me I’m up there waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Ah I don’t believe you’d like it,
You wouldn’t like it here.
There ain’t no entertainment
And the judgements are severe.
The Maestro says it’s Mozart
But it sounds like bubble gum
When you’re waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Waiting for the miracle
There’s nothing left to do.
I haven’t been this happy
Since the end of World War II.
Nothing left to do
When you know that you’ve been taken.
Nothing left to do
When you’re begging for a crumb
Nothing left to do
When you’ve got to go on waiting
Waiting for the miracle to come.
I dreamed about you, baby.
It was just the other night.
Most of you was naked
Ah but some of you was light.
The sands of time were falling
From your fingers and your thumb,
And you were waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come
Ah baby, let’s get married,
We’ve been alone too long.
Let’s be alone together.
Let’s see if we’re that strong.
Yeah let’s do something crazy,
Something absolutely wrong
While we’re waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Nothing left to do …
When you’ve fallen on the highway
And you’re lying in the rain,
And they ask you how you’re doing
Of course you’ll say you can’t complain —
If you’re squeezed for information,
That’s when you’ve got to play it dumb:
You just say you’re out there waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Prevod na srpski
Čekam čudo
Dušo, ja sam čekao,
Čekao sam danonoćno.
Na vreme nisam se obazirao.
Pola života na čekanje sam protraćio.
Bilo je pozivnica mnogo
I znam da je ponešto i od tebe stiglo,
Ali ja sam čekao
Čudo, da se desi čudo.
Znam da si me stvarno volela.
Ali, znaš, ruke su mi bile vezane.
Znam da te je to sigurno povredilo
Sigurno te je uvredilo
Što si morala stajati ispod mog prozora
Sa vojničkom trubom i dobošem,
Dok sam ja tamo gore čekao
Čudo, da se desi čudo.
Ne verujem da bi ti se dopalo,
Ne bi ti se ovde svidelo.
Tu nema zabave
I optužbe su teške.
Maestro kaže da je to Mocart
Ali zvuči kao žvakaća guma
Kada čekaš
da se desi čudo, da se desi čudo.
Čekam čudo
Šta bih drugo
Ovako srećan nisam bio
Još otkako se Drugi svetski rat završio.
Nema ti druge
Kada znaš da si nečiji
Nema ti druge
Kad prosiš za mrvice
Nema ti druge
Kad ti sleduje čekanje
Čekanje da čudo desi se.
Sanjao sam te, dušo
Baš pre neku noć
Većina tvog tela bila je naga
Ali neke delove svetlost je obasjavala
Pesak vremena je padao
Sa tvojih prstiju i palca
I ti si čekala
Čudo, da se desi čudo.
Ah dušo, hajde da se venčamo
Bili smo sami predugo
Hajde da budemo sami zajedno
Hajde da vidimo da li dovoljno čvrsti smo
Da, hajde da nešto ludo uradimo
Nešto potpuno pogrešno
Dok čekamo
Čudo, da se desi čudo.
Nema druge…
Kad se prospeš po putu
I ležiš na kiši
I pitaju te kako si
Naravno da ćeš reći da se ne možeš požaliti
Ako te pak pritisnu
Onda se moraš praviti lud
Samo kažeš da si tu jer čekaš
Čudo, da se desi čudo.
Promenila sam svašta nešto u ovom prevodu…