Dobriša Cesarić – Poludjela ptica

Kakvi to glasi čuju se u mraku,
Nad noćnim poljem, visoko u zraku?
Ko li to pjeva? Ah, ništa, sitnica:
Jedna u letu poludjela ptica.

Nadlijeće sebe i oblake trome,
S vjetrom se igra i pjeva o tome.
Svu svoju vjeru u krilima noseći,
Kuda to leti, što bi htjela doseći?

Nije li vrijeme da gnijezdo vije?
Kad bude hladno, da se u njem grije.
Ko li te posla pjevati u tminu?
Sleti u nižu, u bolju sudbinu.

Ne mari za to poludjela ptica.
Pjeva o vjetru, što je svu golica.
A kad je umor jednom bude shrvo,
Neće za odmor nać nijedno drvo.

English Translation

A Bird Gone Crazy

What are the voices in the dark,
Across the night field, high above?
Who is singing? Oh, it’s nothing, just:
A flying bird gone crazy.

It’s flying over itself and sluggish clouds,
It’s playing with the wind and singing about it.
Carrying all its faith in its wings,
Where is it flying to, what is it trying to reach?

Isn’t it about time for it to build a nest?
When it gets cold, to get warm in it.
Who sent you to sing in the dark?
Land on the ground, into a better destiny.

The crazy bird doesn’t care about it
It’s singing about the wind, that’s tickling it all over.
But when exhaustion takes over,
It wont be able to find a single tree to rest on.

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