Tekst pesme
Pesma za nas dvoje
mora biti da je tako:
nikad se nismo sreli nas dvoje,
mada se tražimo podjednako
zbog sreće njene
i sreće moje.
Pijana kiša šiba i mlati,
vrbama vetar čupa kosu.
Kuda ću?
U koji grad da svratim?
Dan je niz mutna polja prosut.
Vucaram svetom dva prazna oka
zurim u lica prolaznika.
Koga da pitam, gladan i mokar,
zašto se nismo sreli nikad?
Il je već bilo?
Trebao korak?
Možda je sasvim do mene došla.
Al’ ja,
u krčmu svratio gorak,
a ona
ne znajući-prošla.
Ne znam.
Ceo svet smo obišli
u žudnji ludoj
a za korak se mimoišli.
Da, mora da je tako
English Translation
A Poem For The Two Of Us
I know,
it must be so:
the two of us have never met,
although we keep looking for each other
for her happiness
as well as mine.
The drunk rain whips and strikes,
wind pulls willows’ hair out.
Where am I going?
Which town should I stop by?
The day is spilled over the opaque fields.
I’m dragging two empty eyes around
staring into faces of passers-by.
Who should I ask, hungry and wet,
why have we never met?
Or, did it happen already?
Missed a step?
Maybe she came right next to me.
But I,
stopped by a pub, bitter,
and she
not knowingly – passed me by.
I don’t know.
We’ve roamed the world
passionate, crazy
and we’ve missed each other by a step.
Yes, it must’ve been like that….
From heart ….to heart