The pale moon rose in its glory
Out o’er the Western town
She told a sad, sad story
Of the great ship that went down
It was the fourteenth day of April
Over the waves she rode
Sailing into tomorrow
To a golden age foretold
The night was black with starlight
The seas were sharp and clear
Moving through the shadows
The promised hour was near
Lights were holding steady
Gliding over the foam
All the lords and ladies
Heading for their eternal home
The chandeliers were swaying
From the balustrades above
The orchestra was playing
Songs of faded love
The watchman, he lay dreaming
As the ballroom dancers twirled
He dreamed the Titanic was sinking
Into the underworld
Leo took his sketchbook
He was often so inclined
He closed his eyes and painted
The scenery in his mind
Cupid struck his bosom
And broke it with a snap
The closest woman to him
He fell into her lap
He heard a loud commotion
Something sounded wrong
His inner spirit was saying
That he couldn’t stand here long
He staggered to the quarterdeck
No time now to sleep
Water on the quarterdeck
Already three foot deep
Smokestack was leaning sideways
Heavy feet began to pound
He walked into the whirlwind
Sky splitting all around
The ship was going under
The universe had opened wide
The roll was called up yonder
The angels turned aside
Lights down in the hallway
Flickering dim and dull
Dead bodies already floating
In the double bottom hull
The engines then exploded
Propellers they failed to start
The boilers overloaded
The ship’s bow split apart
Passengers were flying
Backward, forward, far and fast
They mumbled, fumbled, and tumbled
Each one more weary than the last
The veil was torn asunder
‘Tween the hours of twelve and one
No change, no sudden wonder
Could undo what had been done
The watchman lay there dreaming
At forty five degrees
He dreamed that the Titanic was sinking
Dropping to her knees
Wellington he was sleeping
His bed began to slide
His valiant heart was beating
He pushed the tables aside
Glass of shattered crystal
Lay scattered roundabout
He strapped on both his pistols
How long could he hold out?
His men and his companions
Were nowhere to be seen
In silence there he waited for
Time and space to intervene
The passageway was narrow
There was blackness in the air
He saw every kind of sorrow
Heard voices everywhere
Alarm-bells were ringing
To hold back the swelling tide
Friends and lovers clinging
To each other side by side
Mothers and their daughters
Descending down the stairs
Jumped into the icy waters
Love and pity sent their prayers
The rich man, Mister Astor
Kissed his darling wife
He had no way of knowing
It’d be the last trip of his life
Calvin, Blake and Wilson
Gambled in the dark
Not one of them would ever live to
Tell the tale on the disembark
Brother rose up ‘gainst brother
In every circumstance
They fought and slaughtered each other
In a deadly dance
They lowered down the lifeboats
From the sinking wreck
There were traitors, there were turncoats
Broken backs and broken necks
The bishop left his cabin
To help others in need
Turned his eyes up to the heavens
Said, “The poor are yours to feed”
Davey the brothel-keeper
Came out dismissed his girls
Saw the water getting deeper
Saw the changing of his world
Jim Dandy smiled
He never learned to swim
Saw the little crippled child
And he gave his seat to him
He saw the starlight shining
Streaming from the East
Death was on the rampage
But his heart was now at peace
They battened down the hatches
But the hatches wouldn’t hold
They drowned upon the staircase
Of brass and polished gold
Leo said to Cleo
I think I’m going mad
But he’d lost his mind already
Whatever mind he had
He tried to block the doorway
To save all those from harm
Blood from an open wound
Pouring down his arm
Petals fell from flowers
‘Til all of them were gone
In the long and dreadful hours
The wizard’s curse played on
The host was pouring brandy
He was going down slow
He stayed right to the end and he
Was the last to go
There were many, many others
Nameless here forever more
They never sailed the ocean
Or left their homes before
The watchman, he lay dreaming
The damage had been done
He dreamed the Titanic was sinking
And he tried to tell someone
The captain, barely breathing
Kneeling at the wheel
Above him and beneath him
Fifty thousand tons of steel
He looked over at his compass
And he gazed into its face
Needle pointing downward
He knew he’d lost the race
In the dark illumination
He remembered bygone years
He read the Book of Revelation
And he filled his cup with tears
When the Reaper’s task had ended
Sixteen hundred had gone to rest
The good, the bad, the rich, the poor
The loveliest and the best
They waited at the landing
And they tried to understand
But there is no understanding
On the judgment of God’s hand
The news came over the wires
And struck with deadly force
Love had lost its fires
All things had run their course
The watchman he lay dreaming
Of all the things that can be
He dreamed the Titanic was sinking
Into the deep blue sea
Prevod pesme
Bledi se mesec u punom sjaju rodio
Iznad Vestern grada
Ona je ispričala jednu tužnu, tužnu priču
O divnom brodu koji je potonuo
Bio je četrnaesti dan aprila
Na talasima ona je plovila
Jedrivši u budućnost
U predskazano zlatno doba
Bila je crna zvezdana noć
More je bilo jasno i bistro
Idući kroz senke
Bližio se obećani čas
Svetla su se čvrsto održavala
Klizeći po peni
Sva gospoda i dame
Na putu ka svom večnom domu
Lusteri su se ljuljali
Sa balustrada
Orkestar je svirao
Pesme o izbledeloj ljubavi
Stražar je sanjario
Dok su se balski plesači vrteli
Sanjao je da Titanik tone
U podzemni svet
Leo je svoju crtanku uzeo
Često je to činio
Zatvorio je oči i slikao
Scenario u svojoj glavi
Kupidon se udario u prsa
Slomivši se očas posla
Njemu najbližoj ženi
U krilo je pao
Čuo je glasno komešanje
Nešto nije zvučalo kako treba
Njegov unutrašnji glas govorio je
Da tu neće moći dugo ostati
Odteturao se do srednje palube
Nema sad vremena za spavanje
Voda na palubi
Već je metar duboka
Dimnjak se naginjao u stranu
Začuli su se teški koraci
On je ušetao u vihor
Nebo se svud oko njega cepalo
Brod je tonuo
Svemir se širom otvorio
Sudnji čas je došao
Anđeli su otišli
Svetla u hodniku
Trepere prigušeno i slabo
Leševi već plutaju
U trupu sa dvostrukim dnom
Onda je motor eksplodirao
Propeleri nisu uspeli da se pokrenu
Kotlovi su se preopteretili
Pramac broda se prepolovio
Putnici su leteli
Napred, nazad, daleko i brzo
Mrmljali su, teturali se i padali
Svi jedan iznureniji od drugog
Zavesa se razdre nadvoje
Između dvanaest i jedan sat
Nikakva promena, nikakvo iznenadno čudo
Ne bi moglo ispraviti ono što je učinjeno
Stražar je sanjario ležeći
Na četrdeset pet stepeni
Sanjao je da Titanik tone
Na kolena pada
Velington je spavao
Njegov krevet je počeo da klizi
Njegovo hrabro srce je lupalo
Gurnuo je stolove u stranu
Čaša razbijenog kristala
Leži razbacana okolo
Prikačio je oba svoja pištolja
Koliko dugo će istrajati?
Njegovih ljudi i njegovih drugova
Nije bilo na vidiku
U tišini je čekao
Vreme i mesto da interveniše
Hodnik je bio uzan
U vazduhu crnilo
Video je raznorazne tuge
Na sve strane čuo glasove
Alarmna zvona su zvonila
Da zaustave nadolazeću plimu
Prijatelji i ljubavnici jedni su se
Uz druge držali
Majke i njihove kćeri
Silazile su niz stepenice
Uskakale u ledeno hladnu vodu
Za ljubav i sažaljenje molile su
Bogataš, gospodin Astor
Poljubio je svoju dragu ženu
Nije mogao znati
Da će mu to biti poslednje putovanje u životu
Kalvin, Blejk i Vilson
Kockali su se u mraku
Nijedan od njih neće doživeti da
Ispriča tu priču pri iskrcavanju
Digao se brat protiv brata
U svakoj prilici
Tukli su se i poklali
U jednom smrtonosnom plesu
Spustili su čamce za spasavanje
Iz tonuće olupine
Bilo je izdajnika, bilo je otpadnika
Slomljenih kičmi i slomljenih vratova
Biskup je napustio svoju kabinu
Da bi pomogao drugima u nevolji
Gledao je prema nebesima
Rekao, “Na tebi je da brineš o jadnicima”
Dejvi, čuvar bordela
Izašao je napolje, raspustio svoje devojke
Ugledao kako voda sve dublja postaje
Video kako njegov svet menja se
Džim Dendi se nasmešio
Da pliva nikad nije naučio
Ugledao je malo dete bogalja
I prepustio mu svoje mesto
Video je kako zvezde sijaju
Strujeći sa istoka
Smrt je besnela
Ali on je sada bio miran
Zatvorili su brodske otvore
Ali nisu izdržali
Udavili su se na stepeništu
Od mesinga i uglačanog zlata
Leo je rekao Kliu
Imam osećaj da ludim
Ali on je već bio izgubio razum
Ma koliko razuma imao
Pokušao je da blokira vrata
Da ih sve spase štete
Krv iz otvorene rane
Tekla mu je niz ruku
Latice su padale sa cvetova
Dok nisu sve nestale
U tim dugim i užasnim satima
Vračeva kletva se ispunjavala
Domaćin je sipao rakiju
Lagano je tonuo
Ostao je do samog kraja i
Poslednji nastradao
Bilo je mnogo, mnogo drugih
Koji će zauvek ostati bezimeni
Oni okeanom nikad plovili nisu
Svoje kuće nikad napuštali nisu
Stražar je sanjario
Šteta je učinjena
On je sanjao da Titanik tone
I pokušao da to nekom kaže
Kapetan, jedva dišući
Klečao je na kormilu
Iznad njega, i ispod njega
Pedeset hiljada tona čelika
Gledao je u svoj kompas
I zurio u njegovu površinu
Igla je pokazivala nadole
Znao je da je izgubio trku
U mračnom proviđenju
Setio se godina prošlih
Čitao je Knjigu Otkrovenja
I napunio svoju čašu suzama
Kad je Smrt obavila svoj zadatak
Bilo je hiljadu šesto pokojnika
Dobrih, loših, bogatih, siromašnih
Najmilijih i najboljih
Čekali su na iskrcavanju
I pokušali su da razumeju
Ali nema načina da se shvati
sud Božiji
Vesti su stigle telegramom
I udarile smrtonosnom silom
Ljubav se ugasila
Sve je prošlo samo od sebe
Stražar je sanjario
O svemu što se desiti može
Sanjao je kako Titanik tone
U plavog mora dubine
Wow! Svaka cast!