[from Revelation 1:3]
Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy
And blessed are those who hear
And who keep what is written therein
For the time is near
[From Revelation 1:7]
He is coming with the clouds
And every eye will see him
Everyone who pierced him
And all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of him
[from Revelation 2:1-4, 24]
Those of you who have not learned what some call the deep things of Satan
I know your works, I know your toil, and your patient endurance
And how you cannot hear evil men
But have tested those who call themselves apostles, but are not.
And found them to be false
I know that you are enduring patiently
And you have not grown weary
but I have this against you
that you have abandoned the love you had
[from Revelation 13:1-10]
And I saw a beast rising out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads
And a blasphemous name upon its head
And the beast that I saw was like a leopard
Its feet were like a bear’s
And its mouth was like a lion’s mouth
And to it the dragon gave his power
And the whole earth followed the beast with wonder
And they worshiped the beast saying
“Who is like the beast and who can fight against the beast?”
And It opened its mouth to utter blasphemous words against God.
It was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer
And authority was given it over every tribe
And a people and tongue and nation
And all who dwell on earth could worship it in vain
If anyone has an ear let him hear
If anyone who slays with the sword.
[from Revelation 21:1-8]
Then, I saw a new heaven and a new earth
And I heard a great voice from the throne saying:
“Behold the dwelling of God is with men
He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people
And God himself will be with them
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes
And death shall be no more
Neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore
For these things will have passed away
To the thirsty I will give water without price
From the fountain of the water of life
He who conquers shall have this heritage
And I will be his God and he shall be my son
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted
As for the murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolators, and all liars
Their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire”
[from Revelation 22:10-13]
And he said to me, he said to me:
“Do not seal up the words of the prophecy, for the time is near
Behold, I am coming soon”
Prevod pesme*
Zver u nama
[Otkrovenje 1:3]
Blago onome koji čita
i onima koji slušaju reči proroštva,
i drže šta je napisano u njemu;
jer je vreme blizu.
[Otkrovenje 1:7]
Eno, ide s oblacima,
i ugledaće Ga svako oko,
i koji Ga probodoše;
i zaplakaće za Njim sva kolena zemaljska.
[Otkrovenje 2:1-4, 24]
A vi koji nemate nauke ove, i koji ne poznaju dubina sotoninih
Znam tvoja dela, i trud tvoj, i trpljenje tvoje,
i da ne možeš snositi zle,
i iskušao si one koji govore da su apostoli, a nisu
i našao si ih lažne;
podneo si mnogo, i trpljenje imaš
i nisi sustao.
No imam protiv tebe
što si ljubav svoju prvu ostavio.
[Otkrovenje 13:1-10]
I videh zver gde izlazi iz mora, koja imaše sedam glava, i rogova deset,
a na glavama njenim imena hulna
I zver koju videh beše kao ris,
i noge joj kao u medveda,
i usta njena kao usta lavova
i dade joj zmija silu svoju,
I čudi se sva zemlja iza zveri
I pokloniše se zveri govoreći
“Ko je kao zver? I ko može ratovati s njom?”
I otvori usta svoja za huljenje na Boga.
I dano joj bi da se bije sa svetima, i da ih pobedi
i dana joj bi oblast nad svakim kolenom
i narodom i jezikom i plemenom
I zalud pokloniše joj se svi koji žive na zemlji
Ako ko ima uho neka čuje.
Ko nožem ubije.
[Otkrovenje 21:1-8]
I videh nebo novo i zemlju novu;
I čuh glas veliki s neba gde govori:
” Evo skinije Božije među ljudima,
i živeće s njima, i oni će biti narod Njegov
i sam Bog biće s njima
I Bog će otrti svaku suzu od očiju njihovih,
i smrti neće biti više,
ni plača, ni vike, ni bolesti neće biti više;
jer prvo prođe.
Ja ću žednome dati iz
izvora vode žive za badava.
Koji pobedi, dobiće sve
i biću mu Bog, i on će biti moj sin.
A strašljivima i nevernima i poganima
i krvnicima, i kurvarima, i vračarima, i idolopoklonicima, i svima lažama
njima je deo u jezeru što gori ognjem “
[Otkrovenje 22:10-13]
I reče mi, I reče mi:
“Ne zapečaćavaj reči proroštva, jer je vreme blizu
I evo ću doći skoro”
*Biblija on-line. Sveto Pismo na srpskom jeziku, prevod Daničić-Karadžić, ekavizirana varijanta