Youssou N’Dour and Neneh Cherry – 7 Seconds

°Yousou N’Dour singing in Wolof (English translation):

Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni mane
(Don’t look at me from a distance, don’t look at my smile)
Khamouma li neka thi sama souf ak thi guinaw
(And think that I don’t know what’s under and behind me)
Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw
(I don’t want you to look at me and think that what’s within you is in me)
mo ne si man, li ne si mane moye dilene diapale
(What’s within me is to help them)

°Neneh Cherry singing in English:

Roughneck and rudeness,
We should be using, on the ones who practiced wicked charms
For the sword and the stone
Bad to the bone
Battle’s not over
Even when it’s won
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone it’s skin living in
It’s not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I’ll be waiting
It’s not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I’ll be waiting (x3)

°Youssou N’Dour singing in French (Translated into English):

-j’assume les raisons qui nous poussent de changer tout,
(I assume the reasons that lead us to change everything,)

-J’aimerais qu’on oublie leur couleur pour qu’ils esperent
(I wish we could forget their color so they can try to be optimistic)

-Beaucoup de sentiments de races qui font qu’ils desesperent
(Too many sentiments on race that make them desperate)

-Je veux les deux mains ouvertes,
(I would like to see the door wide open)

-Des amis pour parler de leur peine, de leur joie
(So they can talk about their pain and joy)

-Pour qu’ils leur filent des infos qui ne divisent pas
(Then we can give them information that will bring us all together)


°Neneh Cherry

7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I’ll be waiting
It’s not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I’ll be waiting (x3)
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin it’s living in
And there’s a million voices (x2)
To tell you what you should be thinking
So you better sober up for just a second
We’re 7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I’ll be waiting
It’s not a second
We’re 7 seconds away
For just as long as I stay
I’ll be waiting
It’s not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I’ll be waiting

Prevod pesme

7 sekundi

°Yousou N’Dour peva na volofskom jeziku:

Ne gledaj me iz daljine, ne gledaj moj osmeh
Misleći da ne znam šta je ispod i iza mene
Ne želim da me gledaš misleći da isto nosimo u duši
Ono što je meni na duši je da im pomognem

°Neneh Cherry peva na engleskom:

Huliganstvo i grubost,
Trebalo bi da upotrebimo na onima koji su se vradžbinama bavili
Jer mač i kamen
Pokvareni su do srži
Bitka nije gotova
Čak ni kad je dobijena
A kad dete na svet dođe
Ono nema pojma
o boji svoje kože
Ne jedan sekund
još 7 sekundi
Sve dok budem tu
Ne jedan sekund
još 7 sekundi
Sve dok budem tu
Čekaću (x3)

°Youssou N’Dour peva na francuskom:

Pretpostavljam koji su nas razlozi da sve promenimo naveli

Voleo bih da možemo zaboraviti boju njihove kože da bi mogli pokušati da budu optimisti

Previše stavova o rasi zbog kojih su očajni

Voleo bih da širom otvorimo vrata

Da bi oni mogli izraziti svoje muke i radosti

Onda bi im mogli dati informacije koje nas neće razdvajati


°Neneh Cherry

7 sekundi
Sve dok budem tu
Ne jedan sekund
još 7 sekundi
Sve dok budem tu
Čekaću (x3)
A kad dete na svet dođe
Ono nema pojma
o boji svoje kože
I tu je milion glasova (x2)
Da ti kažu šta treba da misliš
Zato se bolje otrezni, samo na sekundu
7 nas sekundi deli
Sve dok budem tu
Ne jednu sekundu
7 nas sekundi deli
Jer sve dok budem tu
Ne jednu sekundu
još 7 sekundi
Sve dok budem tu
Ja čekaću

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