Dora 2007
Ima gorih stvari od toga sto volim
nekog’ kao sto si ti
ima gorih stvari sto nisu moji
tvoga srca kljucevi
Nikad nisam vjeruj voljela lazno
a ni prevrtljivo
godinama ono sto mi je vazno
ti nisi vidio
Lazi mi ja cu vjerovat’ sve
lazi mi pa neka boli me
ali ako me ostavis nek’
nek’ to bude zauvijek
Ima gorih stvari od toga sto volim
nekog’ kao sto si ti
ima gorih stvari sto nisu moji
tvoga srca kljucevi
Ima gorih stvari od tih sto smo rekli
da sve sto smo presutjeli
uzalud su bile pjesme
bez rijeci da samo ljubav lijeci
Lazi mi ja cu vjerovat’ sve
Lazi mi ma neka boli me
ali ako me ostavis nek’
nek’ bude zauvijek
English Translation
Let It Be Forever
There are worse things than the fact that I love
somebody like you
There are worse things than the fact that
the keys to your heart are not mine
Believe me, I’ve never loved untruly
and never shifty
For years, things that matter to me
you haven’t seen
Lie to me, I’ll believe everything
lie to me, even if it hurts me
but if you leave me
let it be forever
There are worse things than the fact that I love
somebody like you
There are worse things than the fact that
the keys to your heart are not mine
There are worse things than what we’ve said
that all the things we haven’t said
in vain were the songs
that without words only love can heal
Lie to me, I’ll believe anything
lie to me, even if it hurts me
but if you leave me
let it be forever