Bojim se da je malo kasno
Znas i sam da nemoze gore
Satro glumis neki stil
a iste gluposti prodajes opet
I da je lova sve do krova
Da si kralj opet bi s tobom
Malo sutra
Igras se s vatrom svaki put
ko te treba
a nisam vise luda
Ne gubi vrjeme, ja te poznam najbolje
Probudi se, sve ima svoje granice
Sad te ima, sad te nema
Malo si moj pa njen
Nek’ srce kaze ko je ovdje prevaren
English Translation
Now I See You, Now I Don’t
I’m afraid it’s a bit too late
You know yourself that it can’t be any worse
Supposedly you’re pretending to have a style
and offering the same nonsense all over again
Even if the cash was over the roof
If you were a king I’d again (be) with you
a little bit tomorrow (never)
You’re playing with fire every time
who needs you
and I am not crazy any more
Don’t waste your time, I know you best
Wake up, everything has its limits
Now I see you, now I don’t
one moment you’re mine, the next you’re hers
Let the heart say who’s been duped here