Negative – Šta kažeš sad

Kick it up!
Un, deux, trois, quatre

Nije mi teško,
Biću bez srca jer
Odavno si ga slomio i nisi se okrenuo.

I zato hvala ti na svemu
jer više me ne boli.
I počinjem da uživam u ovim igrama.

Šta kažeš sad, kada sve se okrene
Kad se uloge promene
Ti mislio si da sad znaš ko sam ja.
Znaš ko si ti.

Mogu da kažem,
Sada bez stida da
Nikoga ko tebe nikad nisam volela

I zato hvala ti na svemu
Više me ne boli

I počinjem da uživam u tvojim igrama.

Šta kažeš sad, kada sve se okrene
Kad se uloge promene.
Ti mislio si da sad znaš ko sam ja
Da znaš ko si ti.

Da znaš ko smo mi.

English Translation

What Do You Say Now

Kick it up!
One, two, three, four

It’s not hard for me,
I’ll be without a heart because
You’ve broken it long ago and didn’t look back.

And therefore, thank you for everything
because it no longer hurts me.
And I’m starting to enjoy these games.

What do you say now, when everything turns around
When roles change
You thought you knew who I was.
That you knew who you were.

I can say,
now without shame that
I’ve never loved anyone like you

And therefore, thank you for everything
It no longer hurts me

I’m starting to enjoy your games.
What do you say now, when everything turns around
When roles change
You thought you knew who I was.
That you knew who you were.

That you knew who we were.

Requested Translation

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