Riblja corba – Volim, volim zene

Obicno izaberem visoku stenu
s koje se pruza odlican pogled
kad na vidiku ugledam zenu
obema rukama scepam dvogled
I gledam ono sto dusa trazi
gole drugarice na nudistickoj plazi
neki sto teraju mak na konac
kazu mi da sam rasomonac

Volim, volim, volim, volim zene
ali one malo manje vole mene
zaljubim se petsest puta
u roku od tri minuta
volim, volim, volim, volim zene
Kada ja dobru zensku vidim
ja se uopste ne postidim
pridjem i kazem, bicu kratak
zenska, imas strahovit batak
Priznajem da bih mesao malter
za jedan obican zenski brushalter
ja bi’ se odrek’o rodjene brace
za jedne cipkaste zenske gace

Kupujem strucnu literaturu
za malu nocnu fiskulturu
Reporter, Louie, Playboy, Star
uzmem kvalitet, odbacim skart
Pa k’o tapete lepim po zidu
tek da ih imam sve u vidu
guzate, sisate, lomne u struku
zbog njih razvijam desnicu ruku

English Translation

I Love, Love Women

I normally pick a high cliff
with an excellent view
when in the sight I see a woman
with both hands I take binoculars
And I watch what my soul is asking for
naked girlfriends on a nudist beach
some people that want to make everything right
say that I am a voyeur

I love, love, love, love women
but they love me a little less
I fall in love fifty times
in thirty minutes,
I love, love, love, love women
When I see a hot chick,
I don’t get ashamed at all
I approach her and say, I’ll make it short
chick, you have awesome drumstick
I admit I’d blend mortar
for one ordinary woman’s brassiere
I’d give up my own brothers
for one woman’s lace panties

I buy expert literature
for little night exercise
Reporter, Louie, Playboy, Star
I take quality, discard reject
and then like wallpapers, I hang on the wall
women with big bums, big boobs, small waist
because of them I’m working on my right hand

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