Kao mesec u vodi
tako ja u tvojim ocima
cim novo jutro se rodi
ko da me nije bilo nikada
I ne znam kuda to vodi
gde se ja tu uklapam
u fazi tvoga zivota
ja sam uvek bio suvisan
Dok svako bira svoju stranu postelje
sve dubliji je jaz
jos dvoje bi u sredini
moglo da se budi pored nas
Dok svako sebi kafu sprema
dusama djavo se raduje
gde ponos dodje po svoje
tu ljubav kofere vec pakuje
Kao pero na vetru
ko ja u tvojim snovima
ljubav i bol u duetu
gutljaj vina, gutljaj otrova
I ne znam kada ni zasto
smo u naviku zalutali
zato i najvise bole
reci koje smo precutali
English Translation
The Moon In The Water
Like the Moon in the water
it’s the same with me in your eyes
as soon as a new morning is born
it’s like I have never been there
And I don’t know how that will end
where do I fit in there
in the phase of your life
I have always been unwanted
While each of us is choosing their side of the bed
the gap is bigger
two more people could
wake up in the middle between us
While each of us makes their own coffee
the devil is looking forward to (our) souls
where pride comes for its prey
there love packs its bags
Like feather in the wind
it’s the same with me in your dreams
love and pain in duet
a sip of wine, a sip of poison
And I don’t know when nor why
we got lost in habit
for the same reason
the words that we haven’t said
hurt the most