Jutros sam bacila novčić u fontanu
I novi raspored pravila u stanu
Kad već ne mogu ni ime ni grad
Ni stvarnost ne mogu da promenim sad
Staviću najlepši osmeh na lice
Danas sam ustala prvi put pre devet
Stare slike i pisma bacila pod krevet
Neću da mislim na ljubavi stare
Ni za kasete nedam ni pare
Najlepše pesme pevaju ptice
Želim da se promenim
Ovaj put hoću da pobedim
K’o stari kaput prošlost baciću
Bar jedan dan života spasiću
Pod ovim nebom svako svoj dom bira
Skratiću kosu, istetovirati leptira
Ako već život čine sitnice
Dani su skice za razglednice
Ne postoji kavez za feniks ptice
English Translation
I Want to Change
This morning I threw a coin into the fountain
And made a new arrangement in my apartment
When I can’t even change the name
Nor town nor reality right now
Today I woke up for the first time before nine
I threw my old letters and pictures under the bed
I don’t want to think of old love
I won’t even give money for cassettes
The birds sing the most beautiful songs
I want to change
I want to win this time
I’ll throw the past away like an old hat
At least I’ll save one day of my life
Everybody picks their home under this sky
I’ll shorten my hair and tattoo butterflies
If life already does the little things
Days are sketches for the postcards
A cage doesn’t exist for the phoenix birds