Karolina Gočeva – Sama

Kako mi je ovih dana
makar pitaj, bar se brini
tebi nikad bolje, kažeš
bilo nije, to se vidi

Lako je zameniti
život svoj za tuđeg deo
teško da poverujem
da me nikad nisi hteo

Ponovo sam sama
i ponovo na sebe osuđena
sama sluđena
ponovo te tražim
dok od prošlosti još ginem
na večnost ti se zaklinjem…

Kako mi je, tebi nije
bilo bitno, čak ni tada
kad si mi se radovao
mnogo više nego sada

Teško je nastaviti
život kakav ne bih htela
kako od tol’ko drugih
ja da budem ostavljena…

Na večnost ti se zaklinjem

English Translation


How am I these days
at least ask, at least wonder
it’s not going well for you, you say
it wasn’t, it’s obvious

It’s easy to exchange
your life for someone else’s half
it’s hard for me to believe
that you never wanted me

I’m alone again
and again sentencing myself
I’m alone and confused
I am searching for you again
while the past is still killing me
I swear to you in eternity…

How it’s going for me, it wasn’t
important to you, not even then
when you were looking forward to me
a lot more than now

It’s hard to continue
the kind of life that you don’t want
why is it that out of so many people
I’m the one that he has left…

I swear to you in eternity

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