Niko mi još nije skinuo zvezdu ili dve
eto, tu se sad pokaži
nemoj da me pitaš gluposti, gle, koliki si
da me voliš, sad dokaži
Šta koji si, sto prvi si
zaboravi, znam ja da to ti je u krvi
šta, šta koji si, sto prvi si
a tako želim da si prvi
Niko sa mnom nije brojao latice na ružama
evo, ti bi bio prvi
niko do sad nije uspeo samo pogledom
da me lomi i mrvi
Skuvaj čaj što miriše na jasmin
pričaj nežne reči dok ne zaspim
English Translation
A Hundred and First
No one hasn’t taken down a star or two for me yet
here, prove yourself now
don’t ask me foolish things, look, how much you are
to love me, now prove yourself
Which one are you, you’re the one hundred and first
forget it, I know that that’s in your blood
which one are you, you’re the one hundred and first
but I really want you to be the first one
Nobody hasn’t counted the petals on the roses with me
here, you would be the first one
no one was able to break me into pieces
with just their glance till now
Boil some tea that has the scent of jasmine
tell me tender words until I fall asleep
101st one hundred [and] first
Oh xD I actually spent 5 minutes on that part thinking how I should translate it 😆 I never heard 101 used like that before.