Snovi, more, smeh i ljubav
stanuju tu kraj nas
kad kažem “mi” mislim “ljubav”
da li to osećaš
Ako ikad nađem te
baš tu pred mojim vratima
znaću da je kucnuo taj čas
Ti si tajna koju ćutim
u ovim dugim satima
a htela bih da viknem
na sav glas
Kada hodaš pored mene
tad zadrhti celi grad
stanuješ u mojim venama
Ti si anđeo i nosiš
svetlo uvek kad je mrak
tebe tražim u svim željama
toliko te volim
Hodam ulicom od stakla
tragovi usana
od onih ljudi što sam takla
u izlogu sećanja
English Translation
Here Beside Us
Dreams, the sea, smile and love
are standing here beside us
when I say the word “us” I’m talking about “love”
do you feel that
If I ever find you
right here, in front of my door
I’ll know that the time has come
You are the secret that I keep to myself
in these long hours
but I want to yell it out
with everything I got
When you’re walking beside me
the whole city trembles
you are in my veins
You are an angel and you always carry
with you the light when it’s dark
I’m looking for you in all of my wishes
I love you so much
I’m walking upon the street made of glass
and the traces of the lips
of those people that I’ve touched
in the windows of memories