Nina Badrić – Imati, pa nemati

Ne, nisam takva žena ja
prostakuša, bezobrazna
riječ svoju držim kad je dam
a ti niske grane lomi sam

I nemoj da te podsjećam
na ljubav što ne osjećam
bogat si, bitan ljudima
sirotinja u grudima

Samo ne daj Bože većeg zla
ne daj Bože većeg zla
kad odeš ti, da gubim ja
jer najgore je kažu svi
najgore je kažu svi
imati, pa nemati

I svečano obećajem
svečano obećajem
kao kiša za mnom plakat ćeš
jer najgore je kažu svi
ne daj Bože većeg zla
imati, pa nemati, vidjet ćeš sam

Mene je život učio
da hodam čvrsto, uspravno
s tobom sam glavu sagnula
ma ne, to nisam bila ja

Album_Nina Badrić - 07

English Translation

To Have And To Lose

No, I’m not that kind of woman
a boisterous and rude one
when I give my word, I keep it
but you break the low branches by yourself

And don’t let me remind you
of the love that I don’t feel
you’re rich, important to other people
but a beggar from inside

Just God forbid evil that’s greater
God forbid evil that’s greater
that I’m losing when you leave
because everyone says that it’s the worst
everyone says that it’s the worst
to have and to lose

And I solemnly promise
I solemnly promise
that you’ll cry for me like rain
because everyone says that it’s the worst
God forbid evil that’s greater
to have and to lose, you’ll see for yourself

Life has taught me
to walk straight and firm
I lowered my head with you
no, that wasn’t me

6 thoughts on “Nina Badrić – Imati, pa nemati

  1. It could work. I don’t say it that way often so it sounded weird to my tongue but it can remain as “To Have and to Lose” 😀

  2. Simply “to have and to lose”. It’s like in the saying “Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all …”

    1. I wasn’t sure how to translate the title without it sounding weird in English. “To Have and then to Not Have” sounds a bit odd in English. Do you have any suggestions for the title?

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