We are young
We are strong
We’re not looking for where we belong
We’re not cool
We are free
And we’re running with blood on our knees
We could rule the world
On a silver platter
From the wrong to the right light
To an open stream
With a crash and burn
We could make it better
Turn it upside down
Just you and me
We are the dream
No other way
To be
We are young
We are strong
We’re not looking for where we belong
We’re not cool
We are free
And we’re running with blood on our knees
I could change the world
I could make it better
Kick it up and down
Take a chance on me
When you fake a smile
And you think you’re better
Gonna put it down
With you at your feet
No bridge to burn
Nowhere to turn
For me
We are young
We are strong
We’re not looking for where we belong
We’re not cool
We are free
And we’re running with blood on our knees
What do they know about us?
Are they thinking of somebody else?
Are they wondering what we might be?
Are they thinking of you or of me?
We are young
We are strong
We’re not looking for where we belong
We’re not cool
We are free
And we’re running with blood on our knees
Prevod na srpski
Mladi smo
Snažni smo
Nama nije bitno gde pripadamo
Nismo kul
Slobodni smo
I trčimo sa krvavim kolenima
Možemo vladati svetom
Na srebrnom tanjiru
Od pogrešnog do pravog svetla
Otvorenim tokom
Srušeno i zapaljeno
Možemo popraviti
Samo ja i ti
Mi smo san
Drugačije ne može
Mladi smo
Snažni smo
Nama nije bitno gde pripadamo
Nismo kul
Slobodni smo
I mi trčimo sa krvavim kolenima
Mogao bih promeniti svet
Mogao bih ga dovesti u red
Cimati ga napred nazad
Iskušaj me
Kada namestiš lažni osmeh
I misliš da si bolji
Skinuću ga
I pašćeš dole
Nijedan most ne gori
Nemaš gde pobeći
Od mene
Mladi smo
Snažni smo
Nama nije bitno gde pripadamo
Nismo kul
Slobodni smo
I trčimo sa krvavim kolenima
Šta oni znaju o nama
Misle li na druge
Pitaju li se ko smo mi
Da li razmišljaju o tebi ili o meni
Mladi smo
Snažni smo
Nama nije bitno gde pripadamo
Nismo kul
Slobodni smo
I mi trčimo sa krvavim kolenima
uh… ova pesma je ekstra los utrosak Mikinog kapaciteta 🙄
bagzi, ispravila sam par stvari…
Ovaj red verujem da nije
Rip it at your feet
Whip it at your feet
(kao sto je na mnogim sajtovima)
vec mozda “with you at your feet”
Medjutim i u tom slucaju je blago besmisleno jer znaci nesto u smislu “s tobom pod tvojim nogama”
crash and burn znaci nesto u stilu “katastrofalni neuspeh” ali mislim da bi ovde mogla proci varijanta “uz veliki prasak”
Kick-ass ima razna znacenja (sem bukvalnog:D) i sve zavisi da li je naziv pesme sa ili bez crtice.. Rekla bih da je sa, u kom slucaju:
1. having a strong effect on someone or something; forceful; powerful
2. exceptionally good; spectacular, impressive, etc.
Zato = strava! 😀