Tekst pesme Čarolija Nekom zabranjuju zvezde. Nekome krila. I laste Ja ne zabranjujem ništa. Sme se sve što se ne sme. Samo jedno te molim: pokušaj da ne rasteš ni mrvu svima za inat, do kraja ove pesme. U toj se pesmi živi slobodno, lepo i ludo. Možes da izmišljaš. Maštaš, Da radiš sve naopako. U njoj i najveće čudo prestaje da bude čudo, jer sve što poželiš kad zažmuriš – ostaje zauvek tako. Isturi hrabro i divno prkose detinjaste i laži i sebe samog. Sme se sve što se ne sme. I sme se više od svega! Jedini: nemoj da rasteš za inat i tebi i meni do kraja ove pesme. I svaki put kad te slome, pa moraš nov san da stvaraš, ne sanjaj ga u mraku Dotrči bliže zori. Na pragu ove pesme tako se divno bori i kad namigneš samo i osmehneš se polako Izbroj u sebi do deset i to u večnost pretvori. I sve što žmureći smisliš ostaće zauvek tako. | English Translation Magic To someone stars are forbidden. To someone wings. Or swallows I don’t forbid anything. Everything that is not allowed is allowed. I have only one request: try not to grow not an inch, in spite of everyone, until the end of this poem. In the song you live freely, nicely and crazy. You can invent. fantasize, Do everything backwards. In it, even the biggest miracle stops being a miracle, because everything you wish for when you close your eyes – remains forever like that. Get those childish spites out bravely and wonderfully and lie to yourself. Everything that is not allowed is allowed. And more than everything is allowed! My only one: don’t grow in spite of you and me until the end of this song. And every time they break you, so you have to create a new dream, don’t dream it in the dark Run faster to the dawn. At doorstep of this song so wonderfully fight and when you only blink and smile slowly Count till ten and turn that into eternity. And everything that you think of with your eyes closed will stay like that always. |
I think its a great work & it certainly will make many realise that how precious their love is.