Pronađeš negde nekakvog Mišu,
nekakvog Gorana,
pronađeš drugare nalik na sebe
i staneš tako i ne veruješ
da ima neko kao ti – isti,
na ovom drukčijem svetu.
I ništa ne mora da se kaže.
Sve se unapred zna i razume.
Možda te neke Mire sad traže.
Možda Gordana neka ne ume
bez tebe,
do nekog ogromnog sunca da ide.
I ne znaš koliko kao ti – takvih
večeras ponovo nekog nemaju.
I ne znaš koliko kao ti – istih
za susret sa tobom baš sad se spremaju.
I ne znaš ko su to, kao ti – divni
i što su jastuke suzama vlažili.
A lepo ste se mogli sresti
samo da ste se malo potražili.
I krećeš u život s pogrešnim nekim.
S drukčijim nekim.
Nekim dalekim.
A Boris,
i Sanja
još uvek samo tebe sanja.
English Translation
You find somewhere some Misa,
some Goran,
you find friends like you
and you stop like that and you don’t believe
that there is somebody like you – the same,
in this different world.
And nothing has to be said.
It’s all known and understood in advance.
Maybe some Miras are looking for you know.
Maybe a Gordana can’t
without you,
reach some colossal sun.
And you don’t even know how many of those like you
tonight, again, don’t have somebody.
And you don’t even know how many of those like you
are preparing for a meeting with you at this very moment.
And you don’t even know who are those, like you – wonderful,
and who have made their pillows wet with tears.
And you could’ve simply met each other
if only you searched a little.
And you step into life with a wrong someone.
With a different someone.
With someone distant.
And Boris,
and Sanja
still dreams only of you.