Od onol’kih zetvi osta saka razi..
Od onakve rapsodije… Samo sum…
Od riznice iskrenosti kusur lazi…
I nema srce sta da trazi tu…
Prave rijeci, kao zvijezde, padnu same…
Po svom nikne jogunasti bijeli krin…
Nekad trazis poentu na kraju drame…
A poentu krije prvi cin…
Glavna lica: Nalicje i lice…
Uspomene i sitnice… Jarko pero rajske ptice…
Sacuvaj me, Boze, Njene ljubavi…
Koja zive rane soli…
Koja kaznjava i boli…
Izbavi me vjecnih sumnji i ljubomore…
Koje more dok ne pokore…
Sacuvaj me, Boze, Njene ljubavi…
Onog ludila i strasti… Sam se nikad necu spasti…
Sacuvaj me od ljubavi kojoj kopni sjaj…
Al’ mi u nju ne diraj…
Kad na jednu kartu stavi sve sto imas…
Kad su ti sve misli istoj slici ram…
Kad ne brojis da li dajes ili primas…
Znaci da ces ostariti sam…
Kad se spusti zavjesa… Aplauz slijedi…
Al’ u jednom trenu vlada mrkli mrak…
U tom casu posumnjas da ista vrijedi…
Zivot cio… Pepeo i prah?
Zivot cio samo tudji dio…
Kad pogrijesis, pa zavolis vise nego sto bi smio…
English Translation
God Spare Me Her Love
Out of so many harvests, only a handful of rye remained…
Out of such a rhapsody… Just a murmur…
Out of treasury of honesty, just a bit of lies…
And there’s nothing for the heart here…
The right words, like stars, fall by themselves…
Capricious white lily sprouts when he pleases…
Sometimes you search for the main point at the end of a play…
But the point is hidden in the first act…
Lead characters: Inside and Out…
Memories and little things… glowing feather of bird of paradise…
Save me, God, from her love…
That puts salt on open wounds…
That punishes and hurts…
Rescue me from the eternal doubts and jealousy…
That torment until they conquer…
Save me, God, from her love…
from that insanity and passion… I will never save myself..
Save me from the love that’s losing its glow…
But don’t touch her…
When you put all your eggs in one basket..
When all your thoughts are the same picture’s frame…
When you don’t count whether you give or recieve…
Means you will grow old alone…
When the curtain falls… Applause follows..
But at one moment, there’s complete darkness…
In that moment, you doubt that anything is worth…
Entire life… ashes and dust?
Entire life, just someone else’s part…
When you make the mistake to love someone more than you should…
Nema na cemu! Hvala tebi na posetama i, naravno, na prolecnim postovima na tvom blogu! 🙂
Mnogo volim ovu pesmu. Djole ju je pisao kao za sebe. Cista poezija!
Divno od tebe sto si je prevela, kao i prethodnu Djoletovu.
Thanks od mene.