Sad odlazim
oprosti mi za sve
ne krivi mene onda
kad ti bude najteže
Ja čuvam te
u svojim mislima
i gdje god odem uvijek bićeš
tamo gdje sam ja
A dobro znaš
da sad bi dala sve
da noćas vrijeme
stane zauvijek
Ako već mora doći sutra
ako već mora biti kraj
bar po dobru ti me pamti
bar po dobru ti me znaj
Ako već moram protiv sebe
sve bi mi značilo da znam
bar po dobru da me pamtiš
u svojim mislima
i noćas zadnji put me zagrli za kraj
Kad budeš sam
u dugim noćima
i shvatiš da me voliš
kao nikad nikoga
Pozovi me
probudi me iz sna
nek vjetar tvoje riječi nosi
tamo gdje sam ja
English Translation
Remember My Good Side
forgive me for everything
don’t blame me then
when it gets harder
I’m keeping you
in my thoughts
and wherever I go, you will always be
over there, where am I
But you know well
that I would give everything
for time to stop
tonight forever
If the day has to come tomorrow
if it has to be end
at least remember the good side of me
at least know the good side of me
If I already have to be against myself
it’d mean everything for me to know
that you’re at least remembering the good side of me
in your thoughts
and tonight, embrace me for the last time, for the end
When you’re alone
during the long nights
and you realise the you love me
like no one ever before
Call me
awake me from my dream
may the wind carry your words
over there, where am I