Innocent, they swim
I tell them no
And they just dive right in
But do they know
It’s a long way down
When you’re alone
And there’s no air or sound
Down below
The surface
There’s something in the water
I do not feel safe
It always feels like torture
To be this close
I wish that I was stronger
I’d separate the waves
Not just let the water
Take me away
There was a time I’d dip my feet
And it would roll off my skin
Now every time I get close to the edge
I’m scared of falling in
‘Cause I don’t want to be stranded again
On my own
When the tide comes in
And pulls me below
The surface
Prevod pesme
Nevini, oni plivaju
Ja im kažem ne
A oni samo skoče
Ali da li znaju
Da je dug put na dole
Kada si sam
A nema vazduha ni zvuka
Dole ispod
Ima nečega u vodi
Ne osećam se bezbedno
Uvek je mučenje
Biti ovako blizu
Želeo bih da sam jači
Razdvojio bih talase
I ne bih samo dozvolio vodi
Da me odnese
Nekada bih pokvasio noge
I voda bi klizila niz moju kožu
Sada kad god se približim ivici
Plašim se da ne upadnem
Jer ne želim ponovo biti nasukan
Sasvim sam
Kada talasi dođu
I povuku me ispod