Zaboravilo je vreme da mu je u opisu posla proticanje, zaboravila je Zemlja da joj je u opisu posla okretanje, zaboravio je Čovek da mu je u opisu posla opraštanje, zaboravio je svet da mu je u opisu posla postojanje,
pa vreme tapka u mestu i Zemlja se više ne vrti, pa Čovek praštati ne zna, te hita u zagrljaj smrti, umesto da život slavi i spreči nestajanje ljubavlju svojom krotkom što može večno da traje.
Zaboravila sam i ja, na vreme, Zemlju i ljude, otkada tebe volim, jedina ljubavi moja.
Zaboravila sam kako da te zaboravim.
Izvor: Trg čuda
English Translation
The time has forgotten that passing is in its job description, The Earth has forgotten that rotating is in its job description, The Man has forgotten that forgiving is in its job description, The world has forgotten that existing is in its job description,
so, the time is standing still and the Earth is no longer rotating, so the Man doesn’t know how to forgive, and so he’s rushing into death’s embrace, instead of celebrating life and preventing vanishment with his meek love that can last forever.
I’ve also forgotten, about time, the Earth and people, since I’ve been loving you, my only love.
I’ve forgotten how to forget you.